ssh-find-agent is a tool for locating existing ssh compatible agent processes (e.g., ssh-agent, gpg-agent, gnome-keyring, osx-keychain); and, optionally, setting SSH_AUTH_SOCK
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Somewhere in shell initialization (~/.bashrc
or ~./.zshrc
source # for bash
emulate ksh -c "source" # for zsh
Add the following to automatically choose the first agent
ssh-add -l >&/dev/null || ssh-find-agent -a || eval $(ssh-agent) > /dev/null
To choose the agent manually run
ssh-find-agent -c
NOTE: The choose option is Useful when you actually want multiple agents forwarded. E.g., while pairing.
To list the agents run
ssh-find-agent -l
This will return a list of export commands that can be used to set the socket.
Should this output be executed it will set the socket to the last agent found.
eval $(ssh-find-agent -l)