DEPRECATED. Please use webpack-dev-server
(he is in support and update mode again). Feel free to create a issue if some features are not implemented in webpack-dev-server
Why deprecated webpack-serve
- The author stopped developing the package.
- Two development servers are misleading for developers.
- Hard to maintain two packages with same purpose.
- Some
are not available to fixes/implement new features/etc ( and and there's nothing we can do here. webpack-dev-server
is stable.
Thanks for using webpack
! We apologize for the inconvenience. In the future, we will avoid such situations.
Use gitter
and/or slack
if you have questions.
A lean, modern, and flexible webpack development server
This module requires a minimum of Node.js v6.9.0 and Webpack v4.0.0.
Because this module leverages native WebSockets
via webpack-hot-client
the browser support for this module is limited to only those browsers which
support native WebSocket
. That typically means the last two major versions
of a particular browser. You may view a table of
compatible browsers here.
Note: We won't be accepting requests for changes to this facet of the module.
To begin, you'll need to install webpack-serve
$ npm install webpack-serve --save-dev
$ webpack-serve --help
A lean, modern, and flexible webpack development server
$ webpack-serve <config> [...options]
--clipboard Specify whether or not the server should copy the server URI to the clipboard (default: true)
--config The webpack config to serve. Alias for <config>
--content The path from which static content will be served (default: process.cwd)
--dev-ware Set options for webpack-dev-middleware. e.g. --dev-ware.publicPath /
--help Show usage information and the options listed here.
--host The host the app should bind to
--hot-client Set options for webpack-hot-client. e.g. localhost
Use --no-hot-client to disable webpack-hot-client
--http2 Instruct the server to use HTTP2
--https-cert Specify a filesystem path of an SSL certificate. Must be paired with a key
--https-key Specify a filesystem path of an SSL key. Must be paired with a cert
--https-pass Specify a passphrase to enable https. Must be paired with a pfx file
--https-pfx Specify a filesystem path of an SSL pfx file. Must be paired with a passphrase
--log-level Limit all process console messages to a specific level and above
Levels: trace, debug, info, warn, error, silent
--log-time Instruct the logger for webpack-serve and dependencies to display a timestamp
--hmr Specify whether or not the client should apply Hot Module Replacement patches (default: true)
--reload Specify whether or not the middleware should reload the page for build errors (default: true)
--open Instruct the app to open in the default browser
--open-app The name of the app to open the app within, or an array
containing the app name and arguments for the app
--open-path The path with the app a browser should open to
--port The port the app should listen on. Default: 8080
--require, -r Preload one or more modules before loading the webpack configuration
--version Display the webpack-serve version
Note: Any boolean flag can be prefixed with 'no-' instead of specifying a value.
e.g. --no-reload rather than --reload=false
$ webpack-serve ./webpack.config.js --no-reload
$ webpack-serve --config ./webpack.config.js --port 1337
$ webpack-serve # config can be omitted for webpack v4+ only
Note: The CLI will use your local install of webpack-serve when available, even when run globally.
There are a few variations for using the base CLI command, and starting
$ webpack-serve ./webpack.config.js
$ webpack-serve --config ./webpack.config.js
Those two commands are synonymous. Both instruct webpack-serve
to load the
config from the specified path. We left the flag in there because some folks
like to be verbose, so why not.
$ webpack-serve
You may also instruct webpack-serve
to kick off a webpack build without
specifying a config. This will apply the zero-config defaults within webpack,
and your project must conform to that for a successful build to happen.
You can store and define configuration / options for webpack-serve
in a number
of different ways. This module leverages
cosmiconfig, which allows you to
define webpack-serve
options in the following ways:
- in your package.json file in a
property - in a
file, in either JSON or YML. - in a
file which exports a CommonJS module (just like webpack).
It's most common to keep serve
options in your webpack.config.js
(see below),
however, you can utilize any of the options above in tandem with
, and the options from the two sources will be merged. This
can be useful for setups with multiple configs that share common options for
, but require subtle differences.
const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
context: __dirname,
devtool: 'source-map',
entry: ['./app.js'],
output: {
filename: './output.js',
path: path.resolve(__dirname),
serve: {},
supports the serve
property in your webpack config file, which
may contain any of the supported options.
Should you find that the mode
property of your webpack config file needs to be
set dynamically the following pattern can be used:
mode: process.env.WEBPACK_SERVE ? 'development' : 'production',
When using the API directly, the main entry point is the serve
function, which
is the default export of the module.
const serve = require('webpack-serve');
const argv = {};
const config = require('./webpack.config.js');
serve(argv, { config }).then((result) => {
// ...
Returns: Promise
Resolves: <Object> result
Type: Koa
An instance of a Koa
application, extended with a server
property, and
method, which is used to programatically stop the server.
Type: Function
A function which binds a serve event-name to a function. See Events.
Type: Object
Access to a frozen copy of the internal options
object used by the module.
Type: Object
An object containing the parsed result from either
Type: Object
An object specifying options used to configure the server.
Please see Add-On Features.
Type: webpack
Default: null
An instance of a webpack
compiler. A passed compiler's config will take
precedence over config
passed in options.
Note: Any serve
configuration must be removed from the webpack config used
to create the compiler instance, before you attempt to create it, as it's not
a valid webpack config property.
Type: Object
Default: {}
An object containing the configuration for creating a new webpack
Type: String|[String]
Default: process.cwd()
The path, or array of paths, from which content will be served. Paths specified here should be absolute, or fully-qualified and resolvable by the filesystem.
Note: By default the files generated by webpack take precedence
over static files served from content
To instruct the server to give static files precedence, use the add
option, and call middleware.content()
before middleware.webpack()
add: (app, middleware, options) => {
Read more about the add option in Add-On Features.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
If true, the server will copy the server URI to the clipboard when the server is started.
Type: Object
Default: { publicPath: '/' }
An object containing options for webpack-dev-middleware.
Type: String
Default: 'localhost'
Sets the host that the server will listen on. eg. ''
Note: This value must match any value specified for
, otherwise webpack-serve
will throw an error. This
requirement ensures that the koa
server and WebSocket
server play nice
Type: Object|Boolean
Default: {}
An object containing options for webpack-hot-client.
Setting this to false
will completely disable webpack-hot-client
and all automatic Hot Module Replacement functionality.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
If using Node v9 or greater, setting this option to true
will enable HTTP2
Type: Object
Default: null
Passing this option will instruct webpack-serve
to create and serve the webpack
bundle and accompanying content through a secure server. The object should
contain properties matching:
key: fs.readFileSync('...key'), // Private keys in PEM format.
cert: fs.readFileSync('...cert'), // Cert chains in PEM format.
pfx: <String>, // PFX or PKCS12 encoded private key and certificate chain.
passphrase: <String> // A shared passphrase used for a single private key and/or a PFX.
See the Node documentation for more information. For SSL Certificate generation, please read the SSL Certificates for HTTPS section.
Type: String
Default: info
Instructs webpack-serve
to output information to the console/terminal at levels
higher than the specified level. Valid levels:
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Instruct webpack-serve
to prepend each line of log output with a [HH:mm:ss]
Type: Object
Default: null
While running webpack-serve
from the command line, it can sometimes be useful
to subscribe to events from the module's event bus within your config. This
option can be used for that purpose. The option's value must be an Object
matching a key:handler
, String: Function
pattern. eg:
on: {
'build-started': () => { console.log('build started!'); }
Type: Boolean|Object
Default: false
Instruct the module to open the served bundle in a browser. Accepts an Object
that matches:
app: <String>, // The proper name of the browser app to open.
path: <String> // The url path on the server to open.
Note: Using the open
option will disable the clipboard
Type: Number
Default: 8080
The port the server should listen on.
The server created by webpack-serve
emits select events which can be
subscribed to. All events are emitted with a single Object
containing named properties for relevant data.
For example:
const serve = require('webpack-serve');
const argv = {};
const config = require('./webpack.config.js');
serve(argv, { config }).then((server) => {
server.on('listening', ({ server, options }) => {
console.log('happy fun time');
Emitted when a compiler has started a build.
Emitted when a compiler has finished a build.
Emitted when a compiler has encountered and error, or a build has errors.
Emitted when a compiler has encountered a warning, or a build has warnings.
Emitted when the server begins listening for connections.
Unlike webpack-dev-server, webpack-serve
does not ship with SSL Certificate
generation, nor does it ship with a built-in certificate for use with HTTPS
configurations. This is due largely in part to past security concerns and the
complexity of use-cases in the webpack ecosystem.
We do however, recommend a path for users to generate their own SSL Certificates
safely and efficiently. That path resides in
; an excellent project
that automates the creation of trusted SSL certificates that will work
wonderfully with webpack-serve
A core tenet of webpack-serve
is to stay lean in terms of feature set, and to
empower users with familiar and easily portable patterns to implement the same
features that those familiar with webpack-dev-server
have come to rely on. This
makes the module far easier to maintain, which ultimately benefits the user.
Luckily, flexibility baked into webpack-serve
makes it a snap to add-on features.
You can leverage this by using the add
option. The value of the option should
be a Function
matching the following signature:
add: (app, middleware, options) => {
// ...
The underlying Koa appmiddleware
An object containing accessor functions to call bothwebpack-dev-middleware
and thekoa-static
- The internal options object used bywebpack-serve
Some add-on patterns may require changing the order of middleware used in the
. For instance, if adding routes or using a separate router with the app
where routes must be added last, you'll need to call the middleware
early on. webpack-serve
recognizes these calls and will not execute them again.
If these calls were omitted, webpack-serve
would execute both in the default,
last in line, order.
add: (app, middleware, options) => {
// since we're manipulating the order of middleware added, we need to handle
// adding these two internal middleware functions.
// router *must* be the last middleware added
Listed below are some of the add-on patterns and recipes that can be found in docs/addons:
- bonjour
- compress
- historyApiFallback
- proxy + history fallback
- proxy + router
- reuse Chrome tab
- staticOptions
- useLocalIp
- watch content
Note: The list below contains webpack-serve
add-ons created by the community.
Inclusion in the list does not imply a module is preferred or recommended
over others.
- webpack-serve-waitpage: Provides build progress in the client during complilation.
- webpack-serve-overlay: Provides an error and warning information overlay in the client.
We welcome your contributions! Please take a moment to read our contributing guidelines if you haven't yet done so.