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Implementation of the stacked denoising autoencoder in Tensorflow


0. Setup Environment

To run the script, at least following required packages should be satisfied:

  • Python 3.5.2
  • Tensorflow 1.6.0
  • NumPy 1.14.1

You can use Anaconda to install these required packages. For tensorflow, use the following command to make a quick installation under windows:

pip install tensorflow

1. Content

In this project, there are implementations for various kinds of autoencoders. The base python class is library/Autoencoder.py, you can set the value of "ae_para" in the construction function of Autoencoder to appoint corresponding autoencoder.

  • ae_para[0]: The corruption level for the input of autoencoder. If ae_para[0]>0, it's a denoising autoencoder;
  • aw_para[1]: The coeff for sparse regularization. If ae_para[1]>0, it's a sparse autoencoder.

1.1 autoencoder

Follow the code sample below to construct a autoencoder:

corruption_level = 0
sparse_reg = 0

n_inputs = 784
n_hidden = 400
n_outputs = 10
lr = 0.001

# define the autoencoder
ae = Autoencoder(n_layers=[n_inputs, n_hidden],
                          transfer_function = tf.nn.relu,
                          optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate = lr),
                          ae_para = [corruption_level, sparse_reg])

To visualize the extracted features and images, check the code in visualize_ae.py.reconstructed

  • Extracted features on MNIST:

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  • Reconstructed noisy images after input->encoder->decoder pipeline:

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1.2 denoising autoencoder

Follow the code sample below to construct a denoising autoencoder:

corruption_level = 0.3
sparse_reg = 0

n_inputs = 784
n_hidden = 400
n_outputs = 10
lr = 0.001

# define the autoencoder
ae = Autoencoder(n_layers=[n_inputs, n_hidden],
                          transfer_function = tf.nn.relu,
                          optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate = lr),
                          ae_para = [corruption_level, sparse_reg])

Test results:

  • Extracted features on MNIST:

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  • Reconstructed noisy images after input->encoder->decoder pipeline:

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1.3 sparse autoencoder

Follow the code sample below to construct a sparse autoencoder:

corruption_level = 0
sparse_reg = 2

n_inputs = 784
n_hidden = 400
n_outputs = 10
lr = 0.001

# define the autoencoder
ae = Autoencoder(n_layers=[n_inputs, n_hidden],
                          transfer_function = tf.nn.relu,
                          optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate = lr),
                          ae_para = [corruption_level, sparse_reg])

1.4 stacked (denoising) autoencoder

For stacked autoencoder, there are more than one autoencoder in this network, in the script of "SAE_Softmax_MNIST.py", I defined two autoencoders:

corruption_level = 0.3
sparse_reg = 0

n_inputs = 784
n_hidden = 400
n_hidden2 = 100
n_outputs = 10
lr = 0.001

# define the autoencoder
ae = Autoencoder(n_layers=[n_inputs, n_hidden],
                          transfer_function = tf.nn.relu,
                          optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate = lr),
                          ae_para = [corruption_level, sparse_reg])
ae_2nd = Autoencoder(n_layers=[n_hidden, n_hidden2],
                          transfer_function = tf.nn.relu,
                          optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate = lr),
                          ae_para=[corruption_level, sparse_reg])

For the training of SAE on the task of MNIST classification, there are four sequential parts:

  1. Training of the first autoencoder;
  2. Training of the second autoencoder, based on the output of first ae;
  3. Training on the output layer, normally softmax layer, based on the sequential output of first and second ae;
  4. Fine-tune on the whole network.

Detailed code can be found in the script "SAE_Softmax_MNIST.py"

2. Reference

Class "autoencoder" are based on the tensorflow official models: https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/research/autoencoder/autoencoder_models

For the theory on autoencoder, sparse autoencoder, please refer to: http://ufldl.stanford.edu/tutorial/unsupervised/Autoencoders/

3. My blog for this project
