This project is based upon HTML5 Boilerplate and adds more structure for CSS and JavaScript files, includes build tasks and a whole lot more.
You will need to install Node.js, if you haven't already.
After you've set this stuff up please run
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
This installs the Grunt command line tools. Afterwards please run
$ npm install
in your project's directory. This will install all the things you need for running the grunt-tasks automatically.
If running the install does not work, please try running it as with admin-rights:
$ sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
Browser support
- Chrome
- Firefox 4+
- Internet Explorer 9+
- Opera 12+
- Safari 5+
Yeoman Generator-INIT
INIT is also available as Yeoman Generator
and is called generator-init
See the repository for detailed instruction and more information.
Please help making this project better and contribute with your knowledge.
We are use vanilla CSS but enhance the experience using Pleeease as a post processor.
However all .css
-files are compiled into one file called main.css
in the
-folder. There is a productive-version (means minified), too.
We use jQuery, Modernizr (custom build via Grunt) and RequireJS.
Please use JSHint for your JavaScript before you commit. You can use the
Grunt-task jshint
for this. It is also integrated in grunt watch
Creating a Build
Please use Grunt.js for building a
production-state of a website. The Gruntfile.js
has tasks for concatenating
and minifing CSS and JavaScript.
Additional information on this project is stored in package.json
This package is developed and maintained by Hans Christian Reinl, Anselm Hannemann and more contributors.
The INIT logo was designed by Jan von Beckerath at NIMIUS and optimized by Stefan Nitzsche.
Please be aware of the licenses of each component we use in this project. Everything else that has been developed by the contributions to this project is under MIT License.