Barista is an i3 status bar written in golang.
This is not an official Google product
Based on push rather than fixed interval polling. This allows immediate updates for many modules, like volume, media, shell, etc.
Produces a single binary via go build. This makes it easy to set up the bar executable, since no import paths, environment variables, et al. need to be configured.
Good click handlers (especially media and volume), since we can wait for a command and update the bar immediately rather than waiting for the next 'tick'.
Configuration is code, providing oodles of customization options without needing myriad configuration options in a file somewhere. If/then/else, loops, functions, variables, and even other go packages can all be used seamlessly.
See samples/sample-bar.go for a sample bar.
To build your own bar, simply create a package main
go file,
import and configure the modules you wish to use, and call barista.Run()
To show your bar in i3, set the status_command
of a bar { ... }
to be the newly built bar binary, e.g.
bar {
position top
status_command exec ~/bin/mybar
font pango:DejaVu Sans Mono 10
See the quickstart for more details.