This is my vim config for hacking on Python. I hope you like it. I use default vim and SublimeText2 a lot as well.
Back up your ~/.vimrc and ~/.vim directory (or in you $VIMRUNTIME if not in home dir). Checkout this project somewhere. Symlink the .vimrc and .vim directory into your home directory (or $VIMRUNTIME).
Syntax highlighting
- ( in .vim/syntax/python.vim
Tab completion (
Tab after a non-whitespace character (except those below) does keyword completion <c-p>
Tab after / does filename completion <c-x><c-f>
Tab after . does omnicompletion (
- <leader>q (insert or command mode) will close the preview port. (:pc)
- <S-Tab> (shift+tab) will do regular keyword completion after . instead of omnicompletion.
- Enter a virtualenv, your python path should be respected (
- You will need to install flake8 with pep8 and pyflakes globally to get this.
- this plugin rocks.
- hit <F7> or fn+F7 as a shortcut to Khuno show.
Just using indentation folds from the default .vimrc (I don't use folding):
:help fold zM to fold everything zR to unfold everything za to toggle the current fold zA to recursively toggle the current fold Everything is unfolded to start.
Django settings:
Before launching vim (or mvim) just set the environment variable:
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="myproject.settings"
Probably should look at this pathogen thing and Command+T or somesuch.