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Repository Details

An easy way to query commandlinefu.com from the commandline

What is Fu?

A simple commandline utility for querying commandlinefu.com

What is commandlinefu.com

CommandlineFu.com is an awesome website written by David Winterbottom It has a collection of neat commandline one liners for the unix shell

Why Fu ?

Fu makes commandlinefu more accessible because I find that I use CommandlineFu.com most when actually in the commandline

How do I use it?

It's easy to install, all you need to do is download and make

$ git clone git://github.com/samirahmed/fu.git
$ cd fu/
$ sudo make install

Or you just use bash alias if you are working under shell

$ cd ~/workspace
$ git clone git://github.com/samirahmed/fu.git
$ cd fu/
$ pwd
$ /usr/me/workspace/fu
$ vi ~/.bashrc | vim ~/.bash_profile
$ # add alias line <<|  alias fu="python /usr/me/workspace/fu/fu"
$ source ~/.bashrc |  source ~/.bashrc
$ fu netstat

If that last step doesn't work you can use the setup.py

$ sudo python setup.py install --record installRecords.txt

You can query fu by adding any search terms as arguments

For example if you want to search for how to "send binary mail attachment"

	$ fu send binary mail attachment                                           
	 1	#  Send email with one or more binary attachments
		echo "Body goes here" | mutt -s "A subject" -a /path/to/file.tar.gz [email protected]
	 2	#  Send a binary file as an attachment to an email
		uuencode archive.tar.gz archive.tar.gz | mail -s "Emailing: archive.tar.gz" [email protected]
		498ms total:2

Dependencies and Fixes

It is possible you might not have some dependencies like argparse installed.

$ sudo easy_install argparse

See the wiki for more help


To remove fu you can do automagically with

$ cd fu/
$ sudo make uninstall

Or you can do it manually by finding the files from your installRecords.txt file and removing them

One will be in your PYTHONPATH, the other in your /usr/local/ path probably


There is a wiki for more examples and info about usage.

Feel free to contribute if you have more ideas!