Initially introduced in Clojure, reducers are a model for processing collections which transforms the procedures rather than the collections themselves.
Its advantages include lazy evaluation, few allocations, efficiency, and the potential for convenient parallelization via the closely-related folders.
This framework is an implementation of reducers for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch.
What would I use it for?
Mapping, filtering, and folding Cocoa collections lazily, with low overhead.
First, import Reducers/Reducers.h
#import <Reducers/Reducers.h>
Let’s say we have some numbers
, but we only want to operate on the even ones:
id<REDReducible> evenNumbers = REDFilter(numbers, ^bool (NSNumber *each) {
return each.integerValue % 2;
Now let’s make a text field for each:
id<REDReducible> views = REDMap(evenNumbers, ^(NSNumber *each) {
NSTextField *textField = [NSTextField new];
textField.editable = NO;
textField.stringValue = each.description;
return textField;
Reducers are evaluated lazily, so we’ve specified a way of turning numbers into text fields with even numbers, but we haven’t yet got a collection of the text fields. We can produce one by appending onto an array:
NSArray *viewsArray = [@[] red_append:views];
Finally, we can place these views into the view hierarchy:
self.view = [NSStackView stackViewWithViews:viewsArray];
Now let’s sum the numbers we produced:
NSNumber *sum = [evenNumbers red_reduce:@0 usingBlock:^(NSNumber *a, NSNumber *b) {
return @(a.integerValue + b.integerValue);
Since reducers are evaluated lazily, you need to reduce them to produce a Cocoa collection. -red_append:
, which is implemented on NSArray
, NSSet
, and NSDictionary
reduces its argument, and is a convenient way to produce a concrete, evaluated collection using a reducer.
API-level documentation is provided in the headers.