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  • Created over 2 years ago
  • Updated 9 months ago


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Repository Details

SusunJadwal - Universitas Indonesia's #1 Student Course Planner App.

Susun Jadwal

Susun Jadwal is an open source tool to plan class schedules for university students.

Susun Jadwal by Ristek Fasilkom UI. https://susunjadwal.cs.ui.ac.id/

Monorepo setup with React frontend and Flask backend.

Structure explained

app/                // general views
models/             // mongoDB models
scraper/            // courses (academic.ui.ac.id) scraper
sso/                // SSO UI authentication logic
README.md           // important info
requirements.txt    // dependency list
start.sh            // script to start server
README.md             // workspace-wide information shown in github

Contributing Guide

Feel free to contribute by submitting a pull request.

Susun Jadwal Backend


  1. python 3.6 and pip using
  2. docker



  1. Create virtual environment using python3 -m venv env
  2. Activate virtualenv source ./env/bin/activate
  3. Install requirements pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Add your credential to scrap schedule from SIAK in scraper/credentials.json with the following structure:
    "<kd_org>": {
        "username": "<username>",
        "password": "<password>"

You can also see scraper/credentials.template.json for example and sso/additional-info.json for list of kd_org.

  1. Start database using bash start_db.sh
  2. Go to mongo console by running docker exec -it ristek-mongo mongo -u <admin_username>
  3. Create database by running use <db_name>. By default, Flask use database named test so it becomes use test
  4. Create user for database:
        user: "<db_user>",
        pwd: "<db_pwd>",
                role: "readWrite",
                db: "<db_name>"

You can quit mongo console now by using Ctrl + D.

  1. Create config file, instance/config.cfg. You can see instance/config.template.cfg for example and edit db name, username, and password to match the one you created before
  2. Run docker-compose up -d to start the rabbit mq
  3. Create .env file from .env.example file
  4. Finally, run Flask by using FLASK_ENV="development" flask run



We actually have a slightly different setup in the real Ristek server. For future maintainers, you may want to contact past contributors.

  1. Do everything in development step except step no 10, running Flask. Don't forget to modify instance/config.cfg, start_db.sh, and scraper/credentials.json if you want to
  2. Run gunicorn using bash start.sh
  3. Set your Nginx (or other reverse proxy of your choice) to reverse proxy to sunjad.sock. For example, to reverse proxy /susunjadwal/api you can set
location ^~ /susunjadwal/api {
    proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
    proxy_pass http://unix:/path/to/susunjadwal/backend/sunjad.sock;
  1. Run the schedule scrapper cron job using crontab -e and add the line to run cron.sh. For example, to run it every 10 minutes add */10 * * * * bash /path/to/susunjadwal/backend/cron.sh


notes: For deployment, SusunJadwal Backend is using Ubuntu 18.04. Here's the link to the marketplace https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/prodview-pkjqrkcfgcaog

  1. Do everything in development step except step no 5,6,7, and 10
  2. Create config.cfg and fill the DB credentials according the given specification in docker-compose-deploy.yaml (host must be mongo)
  3. Run docker-compose -f docker-compose-deploy.yaml up -d to execute mongodb, flask, and rabbitmq
  4. Run docker exec -it susunjadwalbackend_mongo mongo -u root-user -p root-user and create admin in backend db, then restart the mongo container

Dump and Restore Database


  1. Run bash mongo_dump.sh
  2. The result will be on ./mongodump


If you want to restore the database from .dump file

  1. Copy dump file to mongo container, docker cp <path_to_dump_file> susunjadwalbackend_mongo_1:/<path_to_dump_file>
  2. Restore db using command, docker exec -it susunjadwalbackend_mongo_1 mongorestore -u root-user -p root-user --archive=<file.dump>


See LICENSE.md. This software actually goes a long way back, thank you so much to everyone involved.