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An intuitive blog app built with Rails and CSS, with authorization managed by Cancancan. Users can create an account, publish posts, and comment on other users' posts. The app also features a search function, allowing users to search for posts by title or content.Budget-App
A budget management app built with Rails and Devise gem, with a clean and user-friendly interface designed with CSS and HTML. Users can create an account, log in, and manage their expenses and income. The app also features a dashboard displaying users' current budget status, including charts and graphs that show the breakdown of their expensesConference__capstone
The Summit Conference website built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The website showcases information about the upcoming Summit Conference, including the event schedule, speakers, and registration details. The website features a user-friendly interface and is designed to provide users with a seamless experience when browsing through the website.Space-X-React-Group
A Space-X-React-Group app built with React, Redux, CSS, and HTML. Users can view information about the latest Space-X launches, rockets, and missions. The app also features a search function, allowing users to search for information about specific launches, rockets, or missions.Ruby-Capstone-Project
This is the React front-end Swimming course booking web-application. This applications is responsive and users can load, create, and delete courses and reservations We use React for the front-end. In order to access the application users need to to be authorized as Admins then login.Vet-clinic-database
This repository implements the use of relational database to create the database for vet clinic.calculator
I created this calculator app to calculate any operations at numbers I used a built-in function from javascript to do that this function called eval.osamaashraf6
Config files for my GitHub profile.Awesome-books-ES6
This project is a single-page application (SPA) about Booklist in which you can add your favorite books and I used the OOP in this website instead of using the procedural codingMetrices-Webapp
The Metrices-Webapp is a responsive web app built using HTML, CSS, Redux chartjs-2, and an API. it is a web(mobile-focused) software for monitoring the stock exchange's listed firms and seeing their live metrics. It uses data from the Financial Modeling API , are used to create
"To-do list" is a tool that helps to organize your day, built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript. With its management features, you can add, mark as completed, remove and make changes to tasks.One-App-With-Ruby-React
An online Bookstore app built with React, Redux, CSS, and HTML. Users can browse books by category, add them to a cart, and proceed to checkout. The app features a search function, allowing users to search for books by title or author.awesome-website-using-wow-js-library
I make this website for design and I added in it some features and used libraries like scroll revealdictionary-app
I built this dictionary app to define any word and give the user the definition of the word and I added a property to the user to listen to the pronunciation of the word if he wants ,so I used an API to do this part in the applicationSchool-Library-OOP-Ruby
In this project, Imagine that you are the librarian of OOP University, and you need a tool to record what books are in the library and who borrows them. The app that you will create will allow you to:Add new students or teachers. Add new books. Save records of who borrowed a given book and when.currency-converter-app
This website shows a sneak peek of what I have done, projects developed and deployed, and what I can do to your projects! Developed with HTML, CSS, and JavaScriptTest-With-Jest-Exercise
This a math magicians app built with HTML, CSS, REACT in this app you can make some calculations math like the addition and division..etc, also I used the external API to fetch some quotes for the app using the use effect hook.facebook-clone
A speech App which the user can type any thing and click at the button and the app will read the text for him, I used a built-in API js for making the functionalityUsing-GitFlow
I developed a leaderboard using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and APIs. This project aims to create a simple and intuitive interface that allows users to track their scores and compare their rankings with others.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us