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    MIT License
  • Created over 6 years ago
  • Updated almost 5 years ago


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Keep in mind

  • 扑克出牌是54张牌的组合,牌型和排列顺序无关
  • 在斗地主游戏中,牌型及大小和花色无关
  • 两个王不算对子
  • 同一手牌,可以作为不同牌型,如3-3-3-3-2-2-2-23-3-3-4-4-4-5-5-5-6-6-6



'3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A', '2', 'BJ', 'CJ'
  • BJ: Black Joker 小王/花/鬼
  • CJ: Colored Joker 大王/花/鬼


's': spades   黑桃 ♠
'h': hearts   红心 ❤
'd': diamonds 方块 ♦
'c': clubs    梅花 ♣


'2c': 单张[ 2 ♣ ]
'2h-2s-2d-2c-BJ-CJ': 四个2带两王[ 2 ❤ ] , [ 2 ♠ ] , [ 2 ♦ ] , [ 2 ♣ ] , [ BJ  ] , [ CJ  ]
'3c-4d-5h-6s-7s-8h-9h': 顺子[ 3 ♣ ] , [ 4 ♦ ] , [ 5 ❤ ] , [ 6 ♠ ] , [ 7 ♠ ] , [ 8 ❤ ] , [ 9 ❤ ]



pip install doudizhu


>>> from doudizhu import Card, new_game
>>> cards_groups = new_game()
>>> cards_groups
[[44, 28, 27, 43, 42, 72, 39, 38, 37, 69, 132, 131, 19, 34, 66, 65, 33], [14, 75, 139, 138, 26, 25, 137, 23, 71, 135, 134, 20, 67, 130, 17, 16, 128], [13, 140, 76, 74, 41, 24, 22, 70, 133, 21, 68, 36, 35, 18, 129, 64, 32], [73, 40, 136]]
>>> for cards_group in cards_groups:
...     Card.print_pretty_cards(cards_group)
  [ 2 ❤ ] , [ 2 ♠ ] , [ A ♠ ] , [ A ❤ ] , [ K ❤ ] , [ J ♦ ] , [ 10 ❤ ] , [ 9 ❤ ] , [ 8 ❤ ] , [ 8 ♦ ] , [ 7 ♣ ] , [ 6 ♣ ] , [ 6 ♠ ] , [ 5 ❤ ] , [ 5 ♦ ] , [ 4 ♦ ] , [ 4 ❤ ]
  [ CJ  ] , [ A ♦ ] , [ A ♣ ] , [ K ♣ ] , [ K ♠ ] , [ Q ♠ ] , [ Q ♣ ] , [ 10 ♠ ] , [ 10 ♦ ] , [ 10 ♣ ] , [ 9 ♣ ] , [ 7 ♠ ] , [ 6 ♦ ] , [ 5 ♣ ] , [ 4 ♠ ] , [ 3 ♠ ] , [ 3 ♣ ]
  [ BJ  ] , [ 2 ♣ ] , [ 2 ♦ ] , [ K ♦ ] , [ Q ❤ ] , [ J ♠ ] , [ 9 ♠ ] , [ 9 ♦ ] , [ 8 ♣ ] , [ 8 ♠ ] , [ 7 ♦ ] , [ 7 ❤ ] , [ 6 ❤ ] , [ 5 ♠ ] , [ 4 ♣ ] , [ 3 ♦ ] , [ 3 ❤ ]
  [ Q ♦ ] , [ J ❤ ] , [ J ♣ ]


>>> from doudizhu import Card, check_card_type
>>> test_chain = Card.card_ints_from_string('3c-4d-5h-6s-7s-8h')
>>> test_four_two = Card.card_ints_from_string('2c-2d-2h-2s-BJ-CJ')
>>> check_card_type(test_four_two)
(True, [('four_two_solo', 13)])
>>> check_card_type(test_chain)
(True, [('solo_chain_6', 0)])
>>> check_card_type(test_chain[:4])
(False, ValueError('invalid card type',))


>>> from doudizhu import Card, cards_greater
>>> chain = Card.card_ints_from_string('3c-4d-5h-6s-7s-8h-9h')
>>> bomb = Card.card_ints_from_string('8h-8s-8d-8c')
>>> rocket = Card.card_ints_from_string('BJ-CJ')
>>> cards_greater(chain, chain)
(False, 'solo_chain_7')
>>> cards_greater(chain[:6], chain[1:7])
(False, 'solo_chain_6')
>>> cards_greater(chain[1:7], chain[:6])
(True, 'solo_chain_6')
>>> cards_greater(bomb, chain)
(True, 'bomb')
>>> cards_greater(rocket, bomb)
(True, 'rocket')


>>> from doudizhu import Card, list_greater_cards
>>> def PrettyPrint(cards_gt):
...     for card_type, cards_list in cards_gt.items():
...         print('card type: {}'.format(card_type))
...         for card_int in cards_list:
...             Card.print_pretty_cards(list(card_int))
>>> cards_candidate = Card.card_ints_from_string('CJ-Ah-As-Ac-Kh-Qs-Jc-10h-10s-10c-10d-9h-7c-7d-5c-5s')
>>> cards_two = Card.card_ints_from_string('Jh-Jc')
>>> cards_chain_solo = Card.card_ints_from_string('5h-6h-7s-8c-9d')
>>> cards_trio_two = Card.card_ints_from_string('6h-6s-6c-3d-3c')
>>> PrettyPrint(list_greater_cards(cards_two, cards_candidate))
card type: pair
  [ A ❤ ], [ A ♠ ]
card type: bomb
  [ 10 ♣ ], [ 10 ❤ ], [ 10 ♦ ], [ 10 ♠ ]
>>> PrettyPrint(list_greater_cards(cards_chain_solo, cards_candidate))
card type: solo_chain_5
  [ K ❤ ], [ Q ♠ ], [ J ♣ ], [ 10 ♠ ], [ 9 ❤ ]
  [ A ♠ ], [ K ❤ ], [ Q ♠ ], [ J ♣ ], [ 10 ♠ ]
card type: bomb
  [ 10 ♣ ], [ 10 ❤ ], [ 10 ♦ ], [ 10 ♠ ]
>>> PrettyPrint(list_greater_cards(cards_trio_two, cards_candidate))
card type: trio_pair
  [ 10 ❤ ], [ 10 ♦ ], [ 10 ♠ ], [ 5 ♣ ], [ 5 ♠ ]
  [ 10 ❤ ], [ 10 ♦ ], [ 10 ♠ ], [ 7 ♣ ], [ 7 ♦ ]
  [ A ❤ ], [ A ♠ ], [ 10 ❤ ], [ 10 ♦ ], [ 10 ♠ ]
  [ A ❤ ], [ A ♣ ], [ A ♠ ], [ 5 ♣ ], [ 5 ♠ ]
  [ A ♣ ], [ A ❤ ], [ A ♠ ], [ 7 ♣ ], [ 7 ♦ ]
  [ A ❤ ], [ A ♣ ], [ A ♠ ], [ 10 ❤ ], [ 10 ♠ ]
card type: bomb
  [ 10 ♣ ], [ 10 ❤ ], [ 10 ♦ ], [ 10 ♠ ]