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    Apache License 2.0
  • Created about 7 years ago
  • Updated over 5 years ago


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Repository Details

Libraries and tools supporting the use of Vue.js in Kotlin. (This project is finished. There are no plans to update in the future. )

English | 日本語/Japanese


Libraries and tools supporting the use of Vue.js in Kotlin.

  • vuekt
    • Type definition of Vue.js for Kotlin/JS
  • vuekt-js2vue
    • A library for creating Kotlin files that replace vue files
    • Use Kotlin DSL for CSS
  • vuekt-plugin
    • Gradle plugin to support development using vuekt
      • Generate vue files from code written with vuekt-js2vue
      • Extend kotlin-frontend-plugin


Gradle setting

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven {
            // kotlin-frontend-plugin (vuekt-plugin depends)
            url "https://dl.bintray.com/kotlin/kotlin-eap"
        maven {
            // vuekt-plugin
            url "https://nosix.github.io/vue-kotlin/release"

    dependencies {
        classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"
        classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-frontend-plugin:$kotlin_frontend_version"
        classpath "org.musyozoku:vuekt-plugin:$vuekt_plugin_version"

repositories {
    maven {
        // vuekt, vuekt-js2vue
        url "https://nosix.github.io/vue-kotlin/release"

apply plugin: 'kotlin2js'
apply plugin: 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.frontend' // kotlin-frontend-plugin
apply plugin: 'org.musyozoku.vuekt' // vuekt-plugin

dependencies {
    // sub projects
    compile project(':greeting') // application that use vue component
    compile project(':greeting-component') // single file vue component

kotlinFrontend {
    downloadNodeJsVersion = node_version

    npm {
        dependency('vue', vue_version)

        devDependency('vue-loader', '*')
        devDependency('vue-template-compiler', vue_version)
        devDependency('css-loader', '*')
        devDependency('html-webpack-plugin', '*')

    webpackBundle {
        contentPath = file("$projectDir/webContent")
        publicPath = "/"
        port = 8088

subprojects {

    apply plugin: 'kotlin2js'
    dependencies {
        compile "org.musyozoku:vuekt:$vuekt_version"
        compile "org.musyozoku:vuekt-js2vue:$vuekt_js2vue_version"
    sourceSets {
        main.kotlin.srcDirs += "main"
        test.kotlin.srcDirs += "test"

    compileKotlin2Js {
        kotlinOptions {
            moduleKind = "commonjs" // webpack use CommonJS

optional vuekt-plugin settings:

vue {
    targetPattern = ".*-component\\.js"
    configFile = "01_js2vue.js"
  • targetPattern
    • vuekt-plugin searches targetPattern for JavaScript files generated from ComponentVue
    • JavaScript files generate vue files
  • configFile
    • vuekt-plugin generate additional webpack config in webpack.config.d directory
    • This config is required when bundling

Project structure

For example:

            [application: Kotlin]
            [component: Kotlin]
                dummy.kt (*1)
      [web resources: HTML, etc.]
      [webpack config: JavaScript]

You need to set webpack config. See single-file project in GitHub repository.

(*1): It is necessary if you have multiple entries in webpack config. kotlin-frontend-plugin assumes one entry. By default it does not create sub projects.


For example:

// GreetingComponent = require('greeting-component.vue')
external val GreetingComponent: Component = definedExternally

@JsModule("vue") // module name in node_modules
@JsName("Vue") // `AppVue` is converted to the name `Vue` in JavaScript code
external class AppVue(options: ComponentOptions<AppVue>) : Vue {
    var message: String

val vm = AppVue(ComponentOptions {
    el = ElementConfig("#app") // ElementConfig is union type
    data = Data(json<AppVue> { // json function create JSON instance
        message = "Vue & Kotlin" // accessible property of AppVue
    components = json {
        this["greeting"] = ComponentConfig(GreetingComponent)


For example:

external class GreetingComponent : Vue {
    var greeting: String

// class name is used for file name (can be overridden)
class GreetingComponentVue : ComponentVue<GreetingComponent> {

    // vue template (Note: in IntelliJ, editing with inject language will result in syntax highlighting)
    override val template: String = """<p>{{ greeting }} World!</p>"""

    // CSS (it becomes scoped if scopedStyle property is overridden with true)
    override val style: StyleBuilder = {
        p {
            fontSize = 2.em
            textAlign = center

    override val script: ComponentOptionsBuilder<GreetingComponent> = {
        data = Data {
            json<GreetingComponent> {
                greeting = "Hello"

val options = translate(GreetingComponentVue()) // required, used by bundling

CSS library: null-dev/Aza-Kotlin-CSS-JS (MIT License)

Two files are generated:

  • greeting-component.js (kotlin2js generated)
  • greeting-component.vue (js2vue generated)

Generated vue file (greeting-component.vue):

<p>{{ greeting }} World!</p>


module.exports = require('greeting-component.js').options

options in the component is used in the vue file.

Data flow

  • greeting-component.js and greeting-component.vue are named from GreetingComponentVue
    • Vue of prefix/suffix is removed
    • Camel case is converted to kebab case
    • You can change the name by overriding ComponentVue::name property
      • default is this::class.js.name.replace("^Vue|Vue$".toRegex(), "").replace("([A-Z])".toRegex(), "-$1").toLowerCase().trim('-')
  • vuekt-js2vue finds *-component.js
    • You can change the pattern by setting targetPattern in build.gradle


  1. Clone this repository.

  2. Publish plugin to local repository.

    $ ./gradlew --project-dir=vuekt-plugin publishToMavenLocal

Try production build (minify is still)

  1. Generate bundle files.

    $ ./gradlew bundle
  2. Open the following in a browser.

    • guide/index.html
    • guide/instance.html
    • guide/syntax.html
    • guide/computed.html
    • guide/class-and-style.html
    • guide/list.html
    • guide/events_.html
    • guide/forms.html
    • guide/components.html
    • guide/filters.html
    • single-file/build/bundle/greeting.html

Try development build

  1. Run webpack-dev-server. (-t is option for continuous build)

    $ ./gradlew -t single-file:run
  2. Open http://localhost:8088/ on the browser.

    HMR (Hot Module Replacement) is enabled. (Edit greeting/main/greeting.kt and/or greeting-component/main/GreetingComponent.kt)

  3. Stop webpack-dev-server.

    $ ./gradlew single-file:stop


  1. Execution failed for task webpack-bundle: node webpack.js failed

    Please try the following script:

    $ bin/webpack.sh
  2. Changing vuekt and/or vuekt-js2vue don't update guide and single-file project.

    kotlin-frontend-plugin does not update node_modules.

    Please try the following command:

    $ ./gradlew clean