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A collection of useful utilities.parameter
A parameter verify tools.urllib
Request HTTP(s) URLs in a complex world.agentkeepalive
Support keepalive http agent.emoji
emoji: This library allows the handling and conversion of Emoji in Javascript.compressing
Everything you need for compressing and uncompressingdetect-port
Node.js module to detect available ports of the system.qn
Another qiniu API client for Node.js.graceful
Graceful exit when `uncaughtException` emit, base on `process.on('uncaughtException')`.address
Get current machine IP and MAC address.autod
Auto generate dependencies and devDependencies by parse the project file.js-to-java
easy way to wrap js object to java objectcommon-bin
Abstraction bin toolhessian.js
js hessian binary web service protocol, support communicate with javamm
An simple but flexible mock(or say stub) package, mock matecfork
cluster fork and restart easy wayformstream
multipart/form-data encoded stream, helper for file upload.urlencode
encodeURIComponent with charsetcluster-client
Sharing Connection among Multi-Process Nodejswebcamera
η½ι‘΅ζͺεΎε·₯ε · (by phantomjs)is-type-of
complete type checking for nodecoffee
Test command line on Node.jsclet
Command Line E2E Testingbyte
Input Buffer and Output Buffer, just like Java ByteBuffersdk-base
a base class for sdk with default error handlerchina-mobile-phone-regexp
The regular expressions for China mobile phone
Same as `mz`, but wrap modules in the world rather than core API.thunkify-wrap
a more powerful thunkifyots
This project no longer maintained, please use instead.urllib-sync
sync http requeststream-wormhole
Pipe ReadStream to a wormholecopy-to
copy an object's properties to another oneoptimized
Detect a function can be optimized or not.runscript
Run script easy!await-stream-ready
a promise waiting stream readycharset
Get the content charset from header and html content-type.ab
A benchmark tool.npm-updater
Prompt update of npm
A Node.js implement of "" and ""humanize-ms
transform humanize time to msgraceful-process
graceful exit process even parent exit on SIGKILL.node-murmurhash
murmurhash, support utf8 Buffersendmessage
Send a cross process message if message channel is connected.tcp-base
TCP client baseready-callback
Launch server after all async task readyserialize-json
A serialize algorithm for JSONjs-remoting-for-apache-dubbo
dubbo protocol implementloading
loading dir files as module to an objectzookeeper-cluster-client
Sharing one zookeeper connection among Multi-Process on Node.jstnpm
Detect es6 features enable or not.last-commit-log
Node.js module to get the last git commit information - mostly to be used by CI/CD and building phase.jdwp
Java Debug Wire Protocoltime-profile
Measuring execution time of functionsqps
High performance qps countercluster-reload
Easy and safe reload your workers.await-first
Wait the first event in a set of event pairs, then clean up after itself.buffer-type
Detect content-type from Buffer data.pedding
Just pedding for callback.should2assert
A tool to help you migrating from should to assertsave-file-atomic
Save anything to file atomicwt
wt: Simple dir watcher, support eventszlogger
The last console loggerlogfilestream
Log stream, including auto rolling feature, support multiprocess `append` write at the same time.default-user-agent
Default user agent string for Node.js http requestconnection
Helper to create more safe jsonp response body for koa and other web framework.zookeeper-watcher
Extend node-zookeeper-client, let zookeeper client support `watch(path)`
Convert Weibo Open API mid to base62 hash string.rid
Request Unique ID, base on current server `ip`, `` and auto increase id, like `$ip,$pid,$id`dns-hijacking
format an error into string or json for lognode-homedir
Get the effective user's homedirauto-correct
auto correct for command line toolsinstall-node
Install node into node_modulesdigest-header
Digest access authentication header helperhttp-doctor
HTTP doctorvmto
velocity(vm) to any other templates.restful-client
RESTFul api client base object. Usually use by some api client implementation.diskstore
a local cache implementkoa-override
method override middleware for koamemory-tripwire
suicide when memory over the limiturlmock
Easy load mock data from a specify
A Fast JavaScript library to detect user's Browser, Engine, OS, CPU, and Device type/modelperformance-ms
performance timer in mscommon-bin-plus
advanced common-bin for cli usageaggregate-base
Base class for aggregate operationwatch-files
watch files by pollingcommon-boilerplate
base class for boilerplateoss-syncer
synchronization all files from this bucket to another bucketfileloader
more stable file loader for nunjucks, and support charsets like `gbk`.assert-file
assert file utilitiescov
Mocha Coverage report store on CDN.onelogger
The only ONE loggerspeeds
Speeds controllable stream. You can control the downstream speed on your own.sse-decoder
SSE decoder for nodejschanging
Watching `file`, `dir` or `link` changing, using interval timer.get-ready
NodeJS mixin to add one-time ready eventLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us