Mindboggle's open source brain morphometry platform takes in preprocessed T1-weighted MRI data, and outputs volume, surface, and tabular data containing label, feature, and shape information for further analysis. Mindboggle can be run on the command line as "mindboggle" and also exists as a cross-platform Docker container for convenience and reproducibility of results. The software runs on Linux and is written in Python 3 and Python-wrapped C++ code called within a Nipype pipeline framework. We have tested the software most extensively with Python 3.5.1 on Ubuntu Linux 14.04.
Release: | |version| |
Date: | |today| |
:ref:`modindex` and :ref:`genindex`
- Links
- Reference
- Help
- Installation
- Tutorial
- Run one command
- Run separate commands
- Visualize output
- Appendix: processing
- Appendix: output
A Klein, SS Ghosh, FS Bao, J Giard, Y Hame, E Stavsky, N Lee, B Rossa, M Reuter, EC Neto, A Keshavan. 2017. Mindboggling morphometry of human brains. PLoS Computational Biology 13(3): e1005350. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005350
General questions about Mindboggle, or having some difficulties getting started? Please search for relevant mindboggle posts in NeuroStars or post your own message with the tag "mindboggle".
Found a bug, big or small? Please submit an issue on GitHub.
We recommend installing Mindboggle and its dependencies as a cross-platform Docker container for greater convenience and reproducibility of results. All the examples below assume you are using this Docker container, with the path /home/jovyan/work/ pointing to your host machine. (Alternatively, one can create a Singularity image.)
1. Install and run Docker on your (macOS, Linux, or Windows) host machine.
2. Download the Mindboggle Docker container (copy/paste the following in a terminal window):
docker pull nipy/mindboggle
Note 1: This contains FreeSurfer, ANTs, and Mindboggle, so it is currently over 6GB.*
Note 2: You may need to increase memory allocated by Docker to at least 5GB. For example: By default, Docker for Mac is set to use 2 GB runtime memory.
3. Recommended: download sample data. To try out the mindboggle
below, download and unzip the directory of example input data (455 MB).
For example MRI data to preprocess with FreeSurfer and ANTs software,
download and unzip (29 MB).
4. Recommended: set environment variables for clarity in the commands below (modify accordingly, except for DOCK -- careful, this step is tricky!):
HOST=/Users/binarybottle # path on local host seen from Docker container to access/save data DOCK=/home/jovyan/work # path to HOST from Docker container (DO NOT CHANGE) IMAGE=$DOCK/example_mri_data/T1.nii.gz # brain image in $HOST to process ID=arno # ID for brain image OUT=$DOCK/mindboggle123_output # output path ('--out $OUT' below is optional)
To run the Mindboggle jupyter notebook tutorial, first install the Mindboggle Docker container (above) and run the notebook in a web browser as follows (replacing $HOST with the absolute path where you want to access/save data):
docker run --rm -ti -v $HOST:/home/jovyan/work -p 8888:8888 nipy/mindboggle jupyter notebook /opt/mindboggle/docs/mindboggle_tutorial.ipynb --ip= --allow-root
In the output on the command line you'll see something like:
[I 20:47:38.209 NotebookApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at: [I 20:47:38.210 NotebookApp] http://(057a72e00d63 or
You would then copy and paste the corresponding address into your web browser
(in this case,
and click on "mindboggle_tutorial.ipynb".
Run one command
The Mindboggle Docker container can be run as a single command to process
a T1-weighted MR brain image through FreeSurfer, ANTs, and Mindboggle.
Skip to the next section if you wish to run recon-all
, and mindboggle
docker run --rm -ti -v $HOST:$DOCK nipy/mindboggle mindboggle123 $IMAGE --id $ID
Outputs are stored in $DOCK/mindboggle123_output/ by default,
but you can set a different output path with --out $OUT
Run separate commands
If finer control is needed over the software in the Docker container, the following instructions outline how to run each command separately. Mindboggle currently takes output from FreeSurfer and optionally from ANTs. FreeSurfer version 6 or higher is recommended because by default it uses Mindboggleโs DKT-100 surface-based atlas to generate corresponding labels on the cortical surfaces and in the cortical and non-cortical volumes (v5.3 generates these surface labels by default; older versions require "-gcs DKTatlas40.gcs" to generate these surface labels).
Enter the Docker container's bash shell to run
, andmindboggle
commands:docker run --rm -ti -v $HOST:$DOCK -p 5000:5000 nipy/mindboggle
Recommended: reset environment variables as above within the Docker container:
DOCK=/home/jovyan/work # path to HOST from Docker container IMAGE=$DOCK/example_mri_data/T1.nii.gz # input image on HOST ID=arno # ID for brain image
3. FreeSurfer generates labeled
cortical surfaces, and labeled cortical and noncortical volumes.
Run recon-all
on a T1-weighted IMAGE file (and optionally a T2-weighted
image), and set the output ID name as well as the $FREESURFER_OUT output
FREESURFER_OUT=$DOCK/freesurfer_subjects recon-all -all -i $IMAGE -s $ID -sd $FREESURFER_OUT
4. ANTs provides brain volume extraction,
segmentation, and registration-based labeling.
generates transforms and segmentation files used by Mindboggle, and is run
on the same IMAGE file and ID as above, with $ANTS_OUT output directory.
TEMPLATE points to the OASIS-30_Atropos_template folder
already installed in the Docker container (backslashes split the command for readability):
ANTS_OUT=$DOCK/ants_subjects TEMPLATE=/opt/data/OASIS-30_Atropos_template -d 3 -a $IMAGE -o $ANTS_OUT/$ID/ants \ -e $TEMPLATE/T_template0.nii.gz \ -t $TEMPLATE/T_template0_BrainCerebellum.nii.gz \ -m $TEMPLATE/T_template0_BrainCerebellumProbabilityMask.nii.gz \ -f $TEMPLATE/T_template0_BrainCerebellumExtractionMask.nii.gz \ -p $TEMPLATE/Priors2/priors%d.nii.gz \ -u 0
5. Mindboggle can be run on data preprocessed by recon-all
as above by setting:
Or it can be run on the mindboggle_input_example preprocessed data by setting:
EXAMPLE=$DOCK/mindboggle_input_example FREESURFER_SUBJECT=$EXAMPLE/freesurfer/subjects/arno ANTS_SUBJECT=$EXAMPLE/ants/subjects/arno OUT=$DOCK/mindboggled # output folder
Example Mindboggle commands:
To learn about Mindboggle's command options, type this in a terminal window:
mindboggle -h
Example 1: Run Mindboggle on data processed by FreeSurfer but not ANTs:
mindboggle $FREESURFER_SUBJECT --out $OUT
Example 2: Same as Example 1 with output to visualize surface data with roygbiv:
mindboggle $FREESURFER_SUBJECT --out $OUT --roygbiv
Example 3: Take advantage of ANTs output as well ("\" splits for readability):
mindboggle $FREESURFER_SUBJECT --out $OUT --roygbiv \ --ants $ANTS_SUBJECT/antsBrainSegmentation.nii.gz
Example 4: Generate only volume (no surface) labels and shapes:
mindboggle $FREESURFER_SUBJECT --out $OUT \ --ants $ANTS_SUBJECT/antsBrainSegmentation.nii.gz \ --no_surfaces
Visualize output
To visualize Mindboggle output with roygbiv, start the Docker image (#1 above), then run roygbiv on an output directory:
roygbiv $OUT/$ID
and open a browser to localhost:5000.
Currently roygbiv only shows summarized data, but one of our goals is to work on by-vertex visualizations (for the latter, try Paraview).
Appendix: processing
The following steps are performed by Mindboggle (with links to code on GitHub):
Create hybrid gray/white segmentation from FreeSurfer and ANTs output (combine_2labels_in_2volumes).
Fill hybrid segmentation with FreeSurfer- or ANTs-registered labels.
Compute volume shape measures for each labeled region:
- volume (volume_per_brain_region)
Compute surface shape measures for every cortical mesh vertex:
- surface area
- travel depth
- geodesic depth
- mean curvature
- convexity (from FreeSurfer)
- thickness (from FreeSurfer)
Extract cortical surface features:
For each cortical surface label/sulcus, compute:
- area
- mean coordinates: means_per_label
- mean coordinates in MNI152 space
- Laplace-Beltrami spectrum
- Zernike moments
Compute statistics (
in for each shape measure in #4 for each label/feature:- median
- median absolute deviation
- mean
- standard deviation
- skew
- kurtosis
- lower quartile
- upper quartile
Appendix: output
Example output data can be found on Mindboggle's examples site on By default, output files are saved in $HOME/mindboggled/SUBJECT, where $HOME is the home directory and SUBJECT is a name representing the person's brain that has been scanned. Volume files are in NIfTI format, surface meshes in VTK format, and tables are comma-delimited. Each file contains integers that correspond to anatomical :doc:`labels <labels>` or features (0-24 for sulci). All output data are in the original subject's space. The following include outputs from most, but not all, optional arguments.
Folder | Contents | Format |
labels/ | number-labeled surfaces and volumes | .vtk, .nii.gz |
features/ | surfaces with features: sulci, fundi | .vtk |
shapes/ | surfaces with shape measures (per vertex) | .vtk |
tables/ | tables of shape measures (per label/feature/vertex) | .csv |
mindboggled / $SUBJECT /
labels /
freesurfer_wmparc_labels_in_hybrid_graywhite.nii.gz: hybrid segmentation filled with FS labels
ants_labels_in_hybrid_graywhite.nii.gz: hybrid segmentation filled with ANTs + FS cerebellar labels
[left,right]_cortical_surface / freesurfer_cortex_labels.vtk: DKT cortical surface labels
features / [left,right]_cortical_surface /
folds.vtk: (unidentified) depth-based folds
sulci.vtk: sulci defined by DKT label pairs in depth-based folds
fundus_per_sulcus.vtk: fundus curve per sulcus -- UNDER EVALUATION --
cortex_in_MNI152_space.vtk: cortical surfaces aligned to an MNI152 template
shapes / [left,right]_cortical_surface /
area.vtk: per-vertex surface area
mean_curvature.vtk: per-vertex mean curvature
geodesic_depth.vtk: per-vertex geodesic depth
travel_depth.vtk: per-vertex travel depth
freesurfer_curvature.vtk: FS curvature files converted to VTK
freesurfer_sulc.vtk: FS sulc (convexity) files converted to VTK
freesurfer_thickness.vtk: FS thickness files converted to VTK
tables /
volume_per_freesurfer_label.csv: volume per FS label
volumes_per_ants_label.csv: volume per ANTs label
[left,right]_cortical_surface /
label_shapes.csv: per-label surface shape statistics
sulcus_shapes.csv: per-sulcus surface shape statistics
fundus_shapes.csv: per-fundus surface shape statistics -- UNDER EVALUATION --
vertices.csv: per-vertex surface shape statistics