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Repository Details

This package provides convenient methods for making token code, sending and verifying mobile phone verification requests.

Laravel Mobile Verification

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Many web applications require users to verify their mobile phone numbers before using the application. Rather than forcing you to re-implement this on each application, this package provides convenient methods for sending and verifying mobile phone verification requests.

Version Compatibility

Laravel LaravelMobileVerification
10.0.x 4.0.x
9.0.x 3.0.x
6.0.x to 8.0x 2.0.x
5.0.x 1.2.0


You can install the package via composer:

composer require fouladgar/laravel-mobile-verification


To get started, you should publish the config/mobile_verifier.php config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Fouladgar\MobileVerification\ServiceProvider" --tag="config"

Token Storage

After generating a token, we need to store it in a storage. This package supports two drivers: cache and database which the default driver is cache. You may specify which storage driver you would like to be used for saving tokens in your application:

// config/mobile_verifier.php


return [
    |Supported drivers: "cache", "database"
    'token_storage' => 'cache',

It means after migrating, a table will be created which your application needs to store verification tokens.

If you’re using another table name for users table or different column name for mobile phone or even mobile_verification_tokens table, you can customize their values in config file:

// config/mobile_verifier.php


return [

    'user_table'    => 'users',

    'mobile_column' => 'mobile',

    'token_table'   => 'mobile_verification_tokens',


When using the cache driver, the token will be stored in a cache driver configured by your application. In this case, your application performance is more than when using database definitely.

All right! Now you should migrate the database:

php artisan migrate

Depending on the token_storage config, the package migration will create a token table. Also, a mobile_verified_at and mobile column will be added to your users table to show user verification state and store user's mobile phone.

Model Preparation

In the following, make sure your User model implements the Fouladgar\MobileVerification\Contracts\MustVerifyMobile contract and use the Fouladgar\MobileVerification\Concerns\MustVerifyMobile trait:


namespace App;

use Fouladgar\MobileVerification\Contracts\MustVerifyMobile as IMustVerifyMobile;
use Fouladgar\MobileVerification\Concerns\MustVerifyMobile;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;

class User extends Authenticatable implements IMustVerifyMobile
    use Notifiable, MustVerifyMobile;

    // ...

SMS Client

You can use any SMS service for sending verification messages(it depends on your choice). For sending notifications via this package, first you need to implement the Fouladgar\MobileVerification\Contracts\SMSClient contract. This contract requires you to implement sendMessage method.

This method will return your SMS service API results via a Payload object which contains user number and token message:


namespace App;

use Fouladgar\MobileVerification\Contracts\SMSClient;
use Fouladgar\MobileVerification\Notifications\Messages\Payload;

class SampleSMSClient implements SMSClient
    protected $SMSService;

     * @param Payload $payload
     * @return mixed
    public function sendMessage(Payload $payload):mixed
        // preparing SMSService ...

        return $this->SMSService
                 ->send($payload->getTo(), $payload->getToken());

    // ...

In above example, SMSService can be replaced with your chosen SMS service along with its respective method.

Next, you should set the your SMSClient class in config file:

// config/mobile_verifier.php


return [

  'sms_client' => App\SampleSMSClient::class,



Now you are ready for sending a verification message! You just need to dispatch the Illuminate\Auth\Events\Registered event after registering user:


use Illuminate\Auth\Events\Registered;

// Register user

 event(new Registered($user));


At this point, a notification message has been sent to user automatically, and you've done half of the job!


This package includes the Fouladgar\MobileVerification\Http\Controllers\MobileVerificationController class that contains the necessary logic to send verification token and verify users.


In order to use this route, you should send token message of an authenticated user (along with any desired data) to this route /auth/mobile/verify:

curl -X POST \
      http://example.com/auth/mobile/verify \
      -H 'Accept: application/json' \
      -H 'Authorization: JWT_TOKEN' \
      -F token=12345


If you need to resend a verification message, you can use this route /auth/mobile/resend for an authenticated user:

curl -X POST \
      http://example.com/auth/mobile/resend \
      -H 'Accept: application/json' \
      -H 'Authorization: JWT_TOKEN'

Notice: You should choose a long with middleware which you are going to use them for above APIs through set it in config file:

// config/mobile_verifier.php


return [

    'middleware' => ['auth:sanctum'],


Customize Routes and Controller

In order to change default routes prefix or routes themselves, you can customize them in config file:

// config/mobile_verifier.php


return [

    'routes_prefix' => 'auth',

    'routes' => [
        'verify' => '/mobile/verify',
        'resend' => '/mobile/resend',


Also, this package allows you to override default controller. To achieve this, you can extend your controller from Fouladgar\MobileVerification\Http\Controllers\BaseVerificationController and set your controller namespace in config file:

// config/mobile_verifier.php


return [

    'controller_namespace' => 'App\Http\Controllers',


Note: You can only change controller namespace and name of the controller should remain as package default controller (MobileVerificationController)


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Fouladgar\MobileVerification\Http\Controllers\BaseVerificationController;

class MobileVerificationController extends BaseVerificationController
     * Where to redirect users after verification.
     * @var string
    protected $redirectTo = '/home';

Important note: If you set header request to Accept:application/json, the response will be in Json format, otherwise the user will automatically be redirected to /home. You can customize the post verification redirect location by defining a redirectTo method or property on the MobileVerificationController.

Protecting Routes

Route middleware can be used to only allow verified users to access a given route. This package ships with a verified middleware, which is defined at Fouladgar\MobileVerification\Http\Middleware. Since this middleware is already registered in your application's HTTP kernel, all you need to do is attach the middleware to a route definition:

Route::get('profile', function () {
    // Only verified users may enter...

Using Queue

By default, this package does not process sending verification messages in the queue. But if you want your sending messages to be queued, you may change connection value from sync to your preferred queue connection. And be sure to config your queue connection in your .env file. You are allowed to to change other queue settings here in the config.

// config/mobile_verifier.php

return [
     | Supported drivers: "sync", "database", "beanstalkd", "sqs", "redis", "null"
    'queue' =>  [
       'connection' => 'sync',
       'queue' => 'default',
       'tries' => 3,
       'timeout' => 60,

Translates and Views

To publish translation file you may use this command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Fouladgar\MobileVerification\ServiceProvider" --tag="lang"

If you are not using AJAX requests, you should have some views which we provided you some information through session variables. In case of errors, you just need to use laravel default $errors variable. In case of successful verification, you can use mobileVerificationVerified variable and for successful resend verification you may use mobileVerificationResend variable. These variables contain messages which you can customize in provided language file:

// lang/vendor/MobileVerification/en/mobile_verification.php


return [
    'successful_verification' => 'Your mobile has been verified successfully.',
    'successful_resend'       => 'The token has been resent successfully.',
    'already_verified'        => 'Your mobile already has been verified.',


This package dispatch an event during the mobile verification process. You may attach listeners to this event in your EventServiceProvider:

 * The event listener mappings for the application.
 * @var array
protected $listen = [
    'Fouladgar\MobileVerification\Events\Verified' => [


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.


Laravel-Mobile-Verification is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.

Built with ❀️ for you.