ShadowVim provides a Vim mode within Xcode powered by a background Neovim instance.
- This is not a Vim emulation, but real Neovim with macros,
, Ex commands, etc. - Vim plugins (without UI) work out of the box. Hello
and whatnot. - Add key mappings to trigger native Xcode features from Neovim (e.g. "Jump to Definition" on
See the changelog for the list of upcoming features waiting to be released.
How does it work?
ShadowVim uses macOS's Accessibility API to keep Xcode and Neovim synchronized. It works by:
- intercepting key and focus events in Xcode
- forwarding them to a background Neovim instance
- applying the changes back to Xcode's source editors
Check out the latest release for pre-built binaries for macOS.
Minimum Requirements
ShadowVim | macOS | Xcode | Neovim |
0.2+ | 13.0 | 14 | 0.9 |
0.1 | 13.0 | 14 | 0.8 |
Neovim configuration
Since many Vim plugins can cause issues with ShadowVim, it is recommended to start from an empty init.vim
To determine if Neovim is running in ShadowVim, add to your init.vim
if exists('g:shadowvim')
" ShadowVim-specific statements
Or to your init.lua
if vim.g.shadowvim then
-- ShadowVim-specific statements
To conditionally activate plugins, vim-plug
has a
few solutions.
βοΈ The default Neovim indent files for Swift are not great. For a better alternative, install keith/swift.vim
with your Neovim package manager.
Adding key bindings
Only β/C--based keyboard shortcuts can be customized in Neovim. β-based hotkeys are handled directly by Xcode.
The SVPress
user command triggers a keyboard shortcut or mouse click in Xcode. This is convenient to bind Neovim commands to Xcode features, such as:
" Jump to Definition (ββJ).
map gd <Cmd>SVPress <LT>C-D-j><CR>
" Find Selected Symbol in Workspace (ββ§βJ).
map gr <Cmd>SVPress <LT>C-S-D-f><CR>
" Show the Quick Help pop-up for the symbol at the caret location (<kbd>β₯ + Left Click</kbd>).
map K <Cmd>SVPress <LT>M-LeftMouse><CR>
needs to be escaped as <LT>
when calling SVPress
from a key binding.
Modifier | macOS | Nvim |
control | β | C- |
option | β₯ | M- or A- |
shift | β§ | S- |
command | β | D- |
Take a look at the Tips and tricks section for a collection of useful bindings.
Menu bar icon
ShadowVim adds a new menu bar icon (π ½) with a couple of useful features which can also be triggered with global hotkeys:
- Reset ShadowVim (ββ₯ββ) kills Neovim and resets the synchronization. This might be useful if you get stuck.
Neovim user commands
The following commands are available in your bindings when Neovim is run by ShadowVim.
triggers a keyboard shortcut or mouse click in Xcode. The syntax is the same as Neovim's key bindings, e.g.SVPress <D-s>
to save the current file. Mouse clicks are performed at the current caret location.SVOpenTUI
launches a Terminal window with a Neovim text user interface of the embedded Neovim instance.- This is useful to solve issues with Neovim such as a blocking prompt.
kills Neovim and resets the synchronization. This might be useful if you get stuck.SVSetInputUI
lets Xcode handle all key events. Press Esc to cancel.SVSetInputNvim
forwards key events to Neovim, even in Insert mode. Press Esc to cancel.SVSynchronizeUI
requests Xcode to reset the current file to the state of the Neovim buffer. You should not need to call this manually.SVSynchronizeNvim
requests Neovim to reset the current buffer to the state of the Xcode file. You should not need to call this manually.
Tips and tricks
Don't use :w
Neovim is in read-only mode, so :w
won't do anything. Use the usual βS to save your files.
Custom passthrough for hot keys
All keyboard shortcuts that are not using the β modifier are sent to Neovim. This means that if you have a global hot key (e.g. β₯` to open iTerm), it won't work when Xcode is focused.
As a workaround, you can add a custom mapping to your init.vim
to retrigger your hot key globally.
map <A-`> <Cmd>SVPress <LT>A-`><CR>
Navigation with C-o and C-i
Cross-buffers navigation is not yet supported with ShadowVim. Therefore, it is recommended to override the C-o and C-i mappings to use Xcode's navigation instead.
map <C-o> <Cmd>SVPress <LT>C-D-Left><CR>
map <C-i> <Cmd>SVPress <LT>C-D-Right><CR>
Unfortunately, this won't work in read-only source editors. As a workaround, you can rebind Go back to βO and Go forward to βI in Xcode's Key Bindings preferences, then in Neovim:
map <C-o> <Cmd>SVPress <LT>C-o><CR>
map <C-i> <Cmd>SVPress <LT>C-i><CR>
As SVPress
is not recursive, this will perform the native Xcode navigation.
Mouse clicks
Here are some useful bindings simulating mouse clicks.
" Show the Quick Help pop-up for the symbol at the caret location (<kbd>β₯ + Left Click</kbd>).
map K <Cmd>SVPress <LT>M-LeftMouse><CR>
" Perform a right click at the caret location.
map gR <Cmd>SVPress <LT>RightMouse><CR>
Window management
Use the following bindings to manage Xcode's source editor with the usual C-w-based keyboard shortcuts.
" Split vertically.
map <C-w>v <Cmd>SVPress <LT>C-D-t><CR>
" Split horizontally.
map <C-w>s <Cmd>SVPress <LT>C-M-D-t><CR>
" Close the focused editor.
" Note: Xcode 14 doesn't focus the previous one... As a workaround, βC is triggered to focus the first one.
map <C-w>c <Cmd>SVPress <LT>C-S-D-w><CR><Cmd>SVPress <LT>C-`><CR>
" Close all other source editors.
map <C-w>o <Cmd>SVPress <LT>C-S-M-D-w><CR>
" Focus the editor on the left.
map <C-w>h <Cmd>SVPress <LT>D-j><CR><Cmd>SVPress h<CR><Cmd>SVPress <LT>CR><CR>
" Focus the editor below.
map <C-w>j <Cmd>SVPress <LT>D-j><CR><Cmd>SVPress j<CR><Cmd>SVPress <LT>CR><CR>
" Focus the editor above.
map <C-w>k <Cmd>SVPress <LT>D-j><CR><Cmd>SVPress k<CR><Cmd>SVPress <LT>CR><CR>
" Focus the editor on the right.
map <C-w>l <Cmd>SVPress <LT>D-j><CR><Cmd>SVPress l<CR><Cmd>SVPress <LT>CR><CR>
" Rotate the source editors.
map <C-w>w <Cmd>SVPress <LT>C-`><CR>
Center cursor line with zz
To emulate the Vim zz
command, you will need to set a custom keyboard shortcut for the Center Selection in Visual Area command in the Xcode Key Bindings preferences. For example, ββ₯β§βL.
Then, add the following binding in your Neovim config:
map zz <Cmd>SVPress <LT>C-M-S-D-l><CR>
Xcode's folding capabilities are limited, but you get the basics with these bindings:
map zc <Cmd>SVPress <LT>M-D-Left><CR>
map zo <Cmd>SVPress <LT>M-D-Right><CR>
map zM <Cmd>SVPress <LT>M-S-D-Left><CR>
map zR <Cmd>SVPress <LT>M-S-D-Right><CR>
Opening third-party applications
You can get pretty creative with key bindings. Here's one opening Sourcetree with <leader>st for the current Git repository, using !
to execute a shell command and %
to get the path of the edited file.
map <leader>st <Cmd>silent !stree "%"<CR>
This keybinding opens a new iTerm tab at the root of the Git repository for the current buffer.
map <leader>sh <Cmd>silent !open -a iTerm `(cd "%:p:h"; git rev-parse --show-toplevel)`<CR>
Triggering Xcode's completion
As the default Xcode shortcut to trigger the completion (β) is already used in Neovim to go back to the normal mode, you might want to set a different one in Xcode's Key Bindings preferences. βP is a good candidate, who needs to print their code anyway?
Thanks to kindaVim and SketchyVim for showing me this was possible.