Angular ES6
An example approach to using ES6 classes in an AngularJS 1.x app.
Please see the article Exploring ES6 Classes In AngularJS 1.x for a full explanation.
Update, October 2015: The material in this repo has been developed even further by others. If you want to write Angular 1.x apps in the Angular 2 style, please see the ng-forward project, which unlike this repo, is under active development.
Working demo here
The style of class definition you see below is enabled by including the file register.js in the project, which exposes the global function register
The API is as follows:
class MyAngularComponent {
// ...
.controller('MyController', MyAngularComponent)
.service('myService', MyAngularComponent)
.provider('myOtherService', MyAngularComponent)
.factory('myFactory', MyAngularComponent)
.directive('myDirective', MyAngularComponent);
Example Component Classes
class UserService {
constructor($http) {
this.$http = $http;
getFullName() {
return this.$http.get('api/user/details');
register('app').service('userService', UserService);
class MyController {
constructor(userService) {
.then(result => this.userName = result.fullName);
register('app').controller('MyController', MyController);
class ThingFactory {
constructor($timeout) {
this.$timeout = $timeout;
newThing() {
console.log('Getting a new Thing...');
return this.$timeout(() => new Thing(), 1000);
register('app').factory('thingFactory', ThingFactory);
class MyDirective {
constructor($interval) {
this.template = '<div>I\'m a directive!</div>';
this.restrict = 'E';
this.scope = {}
// etc. for the usual config options
// allows us to use the injected dependencies
// elsewhere in the directive (e.g. compile or link function)
this.$interval = $interval;
// optional compile function
compile(tElement) {
tElement.css('position', 'absolute');
// optional link function
link(scope, element) {
this.$interval(() => this.move(element), 1000);
move(element) {
element.css('left', (Math.random() * 500) + 'px');
element.css('top', (Math.random() * 500) + 'px');
register('app').directive('myDirective', MyDirective);
class ThingServiceProvider {
constructor() {
this.apiPath = 'default/api';
setApiPath(value) {
this.apiPath = value;
$get($http) {
return {
getThings: () => $http.get(this.apiPath)
register('app').provider('thingService', ThingServiceProvider);
Clone this repo and then npm install
and bower install
to download the required dependencies.
Then gulp watch
and start hacking!