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Oracle Pl-SQLblog-posts
Source codes of articles in my bloglogin-options
Spring Security , Github , Okta loginjava-network-programming
Java Network Programming: Socket, TCP/IP, UDP/IP, FTP, SMTP ,Threadazscrape
Library used for fetch data from the Internetalgoritmika-bootcamp
Creating File Upload Service with GridFs ,Spring Boot and Mongo DBshell-scripting-tutorial
Shell Scripting Tutorialmicroservice-security
JWT Token Security , Zuul Gateway Server , Eureka ServerGraphQL
Create GraphQL Api With Spring Bootspring-events
Spring Eventspostgres-crud
Spring Boot , Postgre SQL , Docker, Docker Composespring-and-react
Spring and React Projectsredis-cache
Redis Cache in Spring Rest ApiC-examples
C and C++ examplesHATEOAS
Create Rest Api With HateOasjava-jdbc
Home Management Project Using JDBC and MySql and HikariCpspring-maven
Maven , Spring Boot , Spring JDBCmicrofrontends
Microfrontends with plain Js and Reactspring-audit
Audit in Spring Bootoracle-sql
Demo project for practicing meteor appjava-io-tutorial
Java IO tutorialspring-aop
Aspect Oriented Programming With Spring Boottasks
Given Taskshibernate-jpa
JPA , Entity ,EntityManager , H2 Database , Spring Data Jpa , CommandLineRunnerJava-Persistance-API
JPA Crud Operations , Annotations , Hibernatenodejs-mysql
Company Management project for node jsexception-handling
Exception Handling , Validationjava-functional-programming
Functional Programming in Java (Higher Order Functions, Functional Interface , Functional Composition)spring-boot-apache-kafka
Apache Kafka Producer and Consumer exampleelasticsearch
SpringBoot and ElasticSearchfront-examples
HTML , CSS , SCSS, Javascript, Typescript, GIT, Webpack, Testing, Babelreact-docker
Deployment React app with NGinx Serverspring-mongo-rest-api
CRUD operations for Spring Rest Api in Mongo DBurl-shortener
URL shortener in Spring Boot and Reactreactive-programming
Reactive Programming in Spring with Postgres DBweb-socket
Chat Application with Web Socker , Sock JS , Stomp , Spring BootSpringSecurity
Role Based Auth , Basic Auth , Form Based Auth , JWT , Database Authkeyword-finder
Keyword Finder is a tool which helps to search keywords among multiple files without opening them and prints the files that include searched keywordsgraphql-client
GraphQL Client in Spring Bootspring-data-specification
Spring Data Specification , Hibernate , Jpa , Criteria Queriesactuator-prometheus-grafana
Spring Boot Actuator , Prometheus, Grafanascheduling
Sprin Boot Schedulingfabricjs-demo
Fabric Js Javascript Conva Librarymicroservice-app
Spring Boot , Spring Restful Services , Spring Data JPA , Spring Cloud , H2 Database , Docker , Docker Compose, Eureka , Hystrix , Sleuth , Zipkin , Ribbon , Zuul Api Gateway , Feign , Rabbit MQreact-examples
React Examplesjava-generics
Spring Boot , Spring Restful Services , Spring Data JPA , Spring Cloud , H2 Database , Docker , Docker Compose, Eureka , Hystrix , Sleuth , Zipkin , Ribbon , Zuul Api Gateway , Feign , Rabbit MQlibrary-desktop-app
Library Desktop Application built in with Java Swinghazelcast-cache
Spring Boot and Hazelcast Cacheemployee-management
Server Side in Spring Boot (Template Engine : Thymeleaf )helper-scripts
The scripts which simplify and automate boring tasks.stored-procedure
Create Stored Procedure in MySQL and call from Spring Data JpaSpringFrameWork
Spring Core JDBCDesignPatterns
Design Patternscafe-desktop-app
Cafe Desktop App had been written with Java SwingSpringCoreJDBCTemplate
Spring Core JDBC Template CRUD OperationsRestful-Web-Services
Exception Handling(Custom Exception) , Internationalization , Swagger , Actuator , Hal Browser , Static Filtering , Dynamic Filtering , Versioning , ValidationSpring-Boot-Rest-API-
JWT , HATEOAS , Swagger2 , Spring Security , MySQLLambda-Expression
LambdaExpression , Functional Interface ( Consumer , Suppliers , Function , Predicate ) , Binary Operator , Unary Operatorsoap-web-services
Soap Web Services in Spring BootWeb-App
QandA JspServletnodejs-mongo
NodeJS Mongospring-rabbitmq
Spring AMQPspring-dependency-injection
Spring Dependency Injection , Constructor Injection , Setter Injectionbidirectional-unidirectional-mapping
Bidirectional , Unidirectional , OneToMany , ManyToOne , Service , Controller , Repository Layer , Pageable Request(size , limit) , Paginationtext-editor
Simple Text Editorrest-api-login
JWT token , Create New User , Login , Email-Verification , Password-Reset , Spring Securitysoap-ws-client
Client for Soap Web Servicesversioning
Versioning in Rest Api , H2 Databaseinternationalization
Internationalization in Spring Boot Rest Api with MySQLJava-SE-Exception
Exception , Catching Exceptions(try-catch , finally block , try-with-resource ) , Throwing Exception , Re-Throwing Exception , Custom Exception , Chaining ExceptionStream
Java Streams , Creating Stream , Mapping , Filtering , Peeking , Reducing , Slicing , Distinct , Collectors , PrimitiveTypeStreamJUnit-4
CRUD operations for Product App create by Spring Boot , Hibernate , MySql and JUnit 4keycloak-rest
Secure RestApi with KeyCloak and Role Based AuthenticationWebServices
Soap and Rest Web Servicemovie-theater
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