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An Unofficial Alipay API for Python

An Unofficial Alipay API for Python





An Unofficial Alipay API for Python, It Contain these API:

  • Generate direct payment url
  • Generate partner trade payment url
  • Generate standard mixed payment url
  • Generate batch trans pay url
  • Generate send goods confirm url
  • Generate forex trade url
  • Generate QR code url
  • Verify notify
  • Single Trade Query
  • Generate Refund With Pwd URL

official document: https://b.alipay.com/order/techService.htm


pip install alipay



>>> from alipay import Alipay
>>> alipay = Alipay(pid='your_alipay_pid', key='your_alipay_key', seller_email='your_seller_mail')

Or you can use seller_id instead of `seller_email`:

>>> alipay = Alipay(pid='your_alipay_pid', key='your_alipay_key', seller_id='your_seller_id')

Generate direct payment url

Introduction: https://b.alipay.com/order/productDetail.htm?productId=2012111200373124

>>> alipay.create_direct_pay_by_user_url(out_trade_no='your_order_id', subject='your_order_subject', total_fee='100.0', return_url='your_order
_return_url', notify_url='your_order_notify_url')

Generate partner trade payment url

Introduction: https://b.alipay.com/order/productDetail.htm?productId=2012111200373121

>>> params = {
... 'out_trade_no': 'your_order_id',
... 'subject': 'your_order_subject',
... 'logistics_type': 'DIRECT',
... 'logistics_fee': '0',
... 'logistics_payment': 'SELLER_PAY',
... 'price': '10.00',
... 'quantity': '12',
... 'return_url': 'your_order_return_url',
... 'notify_url': 'your_order_notify_url'
... }
>>> alipay.create_partner_trade_by_buyer_url(**params)

Generate standard mixed payment url

Introduction: https://b.alipay.com/order/productDetail.htm?productId=2012111300373136

>>> alipay.trade_create_by_buyer_url(**params)

Generate batch trans pay url

Introduction: https://b.alipay.com/order/productDetail.htm?productId=2012111200373121

>>> params = {
... 'batch_list': (), #批量付款用户列表
... 'account_name': 'seller_account_name', #卖家支付宝名称
... 'batch_no': 'batch_id', #转账流水号,须唯一
... 'notify_url': 'your_batch_notify_url' #异步通知地址
... }
>>> alipay.create_batch_trans_notify_url(**params)

Note: batch_list 为批量付款用户列表,具体格式如下例子:(如涉及中文请使用unicode字符)

>>> batch_list = ({'account': '[email protected]', #支付宝账号
...                'name': u'测试', #支付宝用户姓名
...                'fee': '100', #转账金额
...                'note': 'test'},
...               {'account': '[email protected]', #支付宝账号
...                'name': u'测试', #支付宝用户姓名
...                'fee': '100', #转账金额
...                'note': 'test'}) #转账原因

Generate send goods confirm url

Introduction: https://cshall.alipay.com/support/help_detail.htm?help_id=491097

>>> params = {
... 'trade_no': 'your_alipay_trade_id',
... 'logistics_name': 'your_logicstic_name',
... 'transport_type': 'EXPRESS',
... 'invocie_no': 'your_invocie_no'
... }
>>> alipay.send_goods_confirm_by_platform(**params)

Generate forex trade url

Introduction: http://global.alipay.com/ospay/home.htm

>>> params = {
... 'out_trade_no': 'your_order_id',
... 'subject': 'your_order_subject',
... 'logistics_type': 'DIRECT',
... 'logistics_fee': '0',
... 'logistics_payment': 'SELLER_PAY',
... 'price': '10.00',
... 'quantity': '12',
... 'return_url': 'your_order_return_url',
... 'notify_url': 'your_order_notify_url'
... }
>>> # Create website payment for foreigners
>>> alipay.create_forex_trade_url(**params)
>>> # Create mobile payment for foreigners
>>> alipay.create_forex_trade_wap_url(**params)

Generate QR code url ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Introduction: https://b.alipay.com/order/productDetail.htm?productId=2012120700377303

>>> alipay.add_alipay_qrcode_url(**params)

Note: 如果你的 biz_data 中有 Unicode 字符,在 dumps 的时候需要把 ensure_ascii 设置为 False,即 json.dumps(d, ensure_ascii=False) 否则会遇到错误

Verify notify

verify notify from alipay server, example in Pyramid Application

def alipy_notify(request):
    alipay = request.registry['alipay']
    if alipay.verify_notify(**request.params):
        # this is a valid notify, code business logic here
        # this is a invalid notify

Single Trade Query


import re
xml = alipay.single_trade_query(out_trade_no="10000005")
res = re.findall('<trade_status>(\S+)</trade_status>', xml) # use RE to find trade_status, xml parsing is more useful, in fact.
status = None if not res else res[0]
print status # will print out TRADE_SUCCESS when trade is success

Generate Refund With Pwd URL

Introduction: https://doc.open.alipay.com/docs/doc.htm?spm=a219a.7629140.0.0.XRddqH&treeId=62&articleId=104744&docType=1

>>> params = {
... 'batch_list': (), #批量退款数据集
... 'batch_no': 'batch_id', #退款批次号,须唯一
... 'notify_url': 'your_batch_notify_url' #异步通知地址
... }
>>> alipay.refund_fastpay_by_platform_pwd(**params)

Note: batch_list 为批量退款数据集,具体格式如下例子:(如涉及中文请使用unicode字符)

>>> batch_list = ({'trade_no': 'xxxxxxxx', #原付款支付宝交易号
...                'fee': '100', #退款总金额
...                'note': 'test'}, #退款原因
...               {'trade_no': 'xxxxxxxx', #原付款支付宝交易号
...                'fee': '100', #退款总金额
...                'note': 'test'}) #退款原因

Example in Pyramid Application

Include alipay either by setting your includes in your .ini, or by calling config.include('alipay').

pyramid.includes = alipay

now in your View

def some_view(request):
    alipay = request.registry['alipay']
    url = alipay.create_direct_pay_by_user_url(...)
