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๐ค Detection of elements in viewport & smooth scrolling with parallax.locomotive-boilerplate
๐ Front-end boilerplate for projects by Locomotive.webgl-images
locomotive javascript module to implement easily images rendered with WebGLcharcoal-cms
Charcoal Content Management System (CMS) Modulelocomotive-react-boilerplate
๐จ Boilerplate for React projects by Locomotive.charcoal-project-boilerplate
A skeleton to get started with Charcoal.wordpress-boilerplate
Quick setup opinionated WordPress boilerplatecharcoal-app
Slim-based application (modules, routes / controllers and middlewares)charcoal-admin
The admin (Backend Dashboard) for Charcoalastro-boilerplate
Astro project boilerplate by Locomotivecharcoal-core
The Charcoal PHP framework3d-animation-merger
๐ฆพ Nuxt front-end boilerplate for projects by Locomotive.charcoal-image
Image manipulation library for PHPcharcoal-ui
Ui tools (Dashboard, Layout, Form and Menu)Charcoal-Multi-Input
jQuery plugin to split an input into a rich multi-input UIcharcoal-image-compression
Charcoal module to handle image compression through compression api providersworkshop-one-page-to-life
Client for o6c-api URL shortener.charcoal-contrib-notifications
Notifications for objects modifications, through object revisions.charcoal-contrib-template
Template to help start up a new Charcoal contrib repositorycharcoal-contrib-command
Dynamically queue anything as long as a convenient cronjob is set.charcoal-validator
The missing layer between models and viewslocomotive-validate
A small, rules-based, jQuery plugin to validation forms.charcoal-attachment
Adds support for working with relationships between models.wordpress-chimplet
WordPress Plugin : Automatically synchronize Users, Categories, and Posts to MailChimp Lists, Groups, and Campaigns.charcoal-view
Charcoal Views (mustache, php, or more)o6c-api
"Only 6 Characters". URL-Shortener based on Slim 4.wordpress-locomotive
Adds a touch of Locomotive to WordPresslocomotive-modules
Random Locomotive modulescharcoal-contrib
Community supported 3rd party packages for Charcoalcharcoal-base
Bootstrap a Slim App with a Charcoal configuration.memo-website
Source of the official Memo website.charcoal-contrib-communicator
Charcoal Communicator standardizes email communications destined for users and administors.wp-lib-cms
Locomotive's WordPress CMS Librarywp-lib-theme
Locomotive's WordPress Theme LibraryLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us