One theme script to rule them all.
- 400+ precompiled themes
- Terminal agnostic (works on any terminal with OSC 4/11 support (e.g st, kitty, iterm))
- Keeps history
- Script friendly
- Portable (a single <130k file with all 400 themes included)
- Dark/Light filters so you can decide when you want to burn your retinas.
- Interactive (requires fzf)
- Self modifying (can ingest kitty themes).
- Small, self contained and POSIX compliant
- So you can easily switch themes inside of an open terminal.
- So you can keep your shell's init file as the single source of truth.
- So you can configure different themes for all your boxen (see scripting).
- So you can configure st without recompiling it :P.
So you can liberate your mind from the drudgery of the cubicle..
Simply put theme.sh
somewhere in your path.
sudo curl -Lo /usr/bin/theme.sh 'https://git.io/JM70M' && sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/theme.sh
or (OSX)
sudo curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/theme.sh 'https://git.io/JM70M' && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/theme.sh
See theme.sh -h
for a full list of options.
> theme.sh --dark --list
> theme.sh zenburn
> theme.sh -i #Interactive theme selection (requires fzf)
Once you find something you like simply put
theme.sh <theme>
in your ~/.bashrc
Recommended To load the most recently selected theme automatically you can put
if command -v theme.sh > /dev/null; then
[ -e ~/.theme_history ] && theme.sh "$(theme.sh -l|tail -n1)"
# Optional
#Binds C-o to the previously active theme.
bind -x '"\C-o":"theme.sh $(theme.sh -l|tail -n2|head -n1)"'
alias th='theme.sh -i'
# Interactively load a light theme
alias thl='theme.sh --light -i'
# Interactively load a dark theme
alias thd='theme.sh --dark -i'
in your ~/.bashrc
if command -v theme.sh > /dev/null; then
[ -e ~/.theme_history ] && theme.sh "$(theme.sh -l|tail -n1)"
# Optional
# Bind C-o to the last theme.
last_theme() {
theme.sh "$(theme.sh -l|tail -n2|head -n1)"
zle -N last_theme
bindkey '^O' last_theme
alias th='theme.sh -i'
# Interactively load a light theme
alias thl='theme.sh --light -i'
# Interactively load a dark theme
alias thd='theme.sh --dark -i'
if type -q theme.sh
if test -e ~/.theme_history
theme.sh (theme.sh -l|tail -n1)
# Optional
# Bind C-o to the last theme.
function last_theme
theme.sh (theme.sh -l|tail -n2|head -n1)
bind \co last_theme
alias th='theme.sh -i'
# Interactively load a light theme
alias thl='theme.sh --light -i'
# Interactively load a dark theme
alias thd='theme.sh --dark -i'
Recommended colorscheme default
set notermguicolors
highlight Search ctermfg=0
The above makes vim play nicely with the stock terminal theme.
Scripting Examples
Example sudo/su wrapper.
The following shellrc snippet will set the theme to 'red-alert' when
su is used or sudo is run with a long running (> .2s) command. It assumes
theme.sh has been used to set the current theme (as in the recommended
su() {
INHIBIT_THEME_HIST=1 theme.sh red-alert
trap 'theme.sh "$(theme.sh -l|tail -n1)"' INT
env su "$@"
theme.sh "$(theme.sh -l|tail -n1)"
sudo() {
pid=$(exec sh -c 'echo "$PPID"')
# If the command takes less than .2s, don't change the theme.
# We could also just match on 'su' and ignore everything else,
# but this also accomodates other long running commands
# like 'sudo sleep 5s'. Modify to taste.
sleep .2s
ps -p "$pid" > /dev/null && INHIBIT_THEME_HIST=1 theme.sh red-alert
) &
trap 'theme.sh "$(theme.sh -l|tail -n1)"' INT
env sudo "$@"
theme.sh "$(theme.sh -l|tail -n1)"
SSH Integration
Put the snippet in your shellrc:
and then
host1: zenburn
host2: red-alert
ssh() {
# A tiny ssh wrapper which extracts a theme from ~/.ssh_themes
# and applies it for the duration of the current ssh command.
# Each line in ~/.ssh_themes has the format:
# <hostname>: <theme>.
# Restoration relies on the fact that you are using theme.sh to manage
# the current theme. (that is, you set the theme in your bashrc.)
# This can probably be made more robust. It is just a small demo
# of what is possible.
touch ~/.ssh_themes
host="$(echo "$@"|awk '{gsub(".*@","",$NF);print $NF}')"
theme="$(awk -vhost="$host" -F': *' 'index($0, host":") == 1 {print $2}' < ~/.ssh_themes)"
if [ -z "$theme" ]; then
env ssh "$@"
INHIBIT_THEME_HIST=1 theme.sh "$theme"
trap 'theme.sh "$(theme.sh -l|tail -n1)"' INT
env ssh "$@"
theme.sh "$(theme.sh -l|tail -n1)"
You could also do something on the server side using -p
for restoration, but
it requires a terminal which supports OSC query sequences and is less widely
Adding Themes
If theme.sh is writable by the user executing it, kitty style theme configs can
be annexed directly to the script with --add
. This allows you to grow your
own self contained theme file which you can scp to all your boxen. Just don't
forget to upstream your changes :P. See CONTRIBUTING for instructions
on adding themes to this repo.
curl -O 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexpota/kitty-themes/master/themes/Solarized_Darcula.conf'
theme.sh --add Solarized_Darcula.conf
theme.sh Solarized_Darcula
If a theme with the same name already exists it will be overwritten.
Note that adding themes requires write access to the script and may require sudo
for system-wide installations.
If you find a theme that is already not included in the script you are encouraged to submit a PR (see CONTRIBUTING).
Supported Terminals
Below is a list of terminals on which theme.sh is known to work:
- kitty (not KiTTY)
- gnome-terminal
- terminator
- st
- Terminal.app (osx)
- iTerm2
- alacritty
- urxvt (non interactively unless the truecolor patch is applied)
- any libvte based terminal
- Requires a terminal that properly implements OSC 4/11.
- Interactive mode also requires TRUECOLOR support (though the theme can still be set without it.)
- May cause an imperceptible flash when you start your terminal.
- Will not help you achieve enlightenment or improve your marriage.
- May cause epilepsy.
Known issues
- Will not work in screen (tmux uses the same TERM variable)
Themes were contributed by numerous github contributors as well as scraped from various projects. Some of the larger respositories include:
- https://github.com/dexpota/kitty-themes
- https://github.com/mbadolato/iTerm2-Color-Schemes
- https://github.com/aarowill/base16-gnome-terminal
- https://github.com/chriskempson/base16-iterm2
A debt of gratitude is owed to these projects as well as well as those who contributed directly to the repo, and of course the theme authors themselves. A non exhaustive list of theme authors can be found in CREDITS. If you are the author of a theme and wish to be listed feel free to submit a PR or contact me directly :).