Simple bitset library in C. It includes fast functions to compute cardinalities, unions, intersections...
- It is tiny: it is made of three files (two header files and one source file).
- It is tested.
- It is fast.
- It is straight C.
Usage in C:
bitset_t * b = bitset_create();
bitset_get(b,10);// returns true
bitset_free(b); // frees memory
Advanced example:
bitset_t *b = bitset_create();
for (int k = 0; k < 1000; ++k) {
bitset_set(b, 3 * k);
// We have bitset_count(b) == 1000.
// We have bitset_get(b, 3) is true
// You can iterate through the values:
size_t k = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; bitset_next_set_bit(b, &i); i++) {
// You will have i == k
k += 3;
// We support a wide range of operations on two bitsets such as
// bitset_inplace_symmetric_difference(b1,b2);
// bitset_inplace_symmetric_difference(b1,b2);
// bitset_inplace_difference(b1,b2);// should make no difference
// bitset_inplace_union(b1,b2);
// bitset_inplace_intersection(b1,b2);
// bitsets_disjoint
// bitsets_intersect
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --config Release
ctest .
The cmake build also supports installation. The header files will be installed in a distinct subdirectory (cbitset).
Old-school Makefiles
To run tests:
C11-compatible compiler.
Visual Studio now supports the C11 and C17 standards.