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Simple and lightweight JWT-Provider written in go (golang). It exhibits JWT for the in postgres or sqlite persisted user, which can be managed via api. Also, a password-reset flow via mail verification is available. User specific custom-claims also available for jwt-generation and mail rendering.

dockerized: https://hub.docker.com/r/leberkleber/simple-jwt-provider

build it yourself:

# as docker-image
docker build . -t leberkleber/simple-jwt-provider

# as binary
go build -o simple-jwt-provider ./cmd/provider/

Table of contents

Try it

git clone [email protected]:leberKleber/simple-jwt-provider.git
docker-compose -f example/docker-compose.yml up

# create user via admin-api
./example/create-user.sh [email protected] password {}

# login with created user
./example/login.sh [email protected] password

# reset password
# 1) create password reset request
#    - mail with reset token would be send
# 2) reset password with received token
# 3) do crud operations on user

# 1) create password reset request 
./example/create-password-reset-request.sh [email protected]
# 1.1) open browser at and copy reset token (token only not the url)
# 2) reset password with received token
./example/reset-password.sh [email protected] newPassword {reset-token}
# verify new password
./example/login.sh [email protected] newPassword

# 3) do crud operations on user
# see ./example/*.sh

Getting started

Generate ECDSA-512 key pair

# private key
openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp521r1 -noout -out ecdsa-p521-private.pem
# public key
openssl ec -in ecdsa-p521-private.pem -pubout -out ecdsa-p521-public.pem 


Environment variable Description Required Default
SJP_SERVER_ADDRESS Server-address network-interface to bind on e.g.: '' no
SJP_JWT_LIFETIME Lifetime of JWT no 4h
SJP_JWT_AUDIENCE Audience private claim which will be applied in each JWT no -
SJP_JWT_ISSUER Issuer private claim which will be applied in each JWT no -
SJP_JWT_SUBJECT Subject private claim which will be applied in each JWT no -
SJP_DATABASE_TYPE Database type. Currently supported postgres and sqlite yes -
SJP_DATABASE_DSN Data Source Name for persistence yes -
SJP_ADMIN_API_ENABLE Enable admin API to manage stored users (true / false) no false
SJP_ADMIN_API_USERNAME Basic Auth Username if enable-admin-api = true yes, when enable-admin-api = true -
SJP_ADMIN_API_PASSWORD Basic Auth Password if enable-admin-api = true when is bcrypted prefix with 'bcrypt:' yes, when enable-admin-api = true -
SJP_MAIL_TEMPLATES_FOLDER_PATH Path to mail-templates folder no /mail-templates
SJP_MAIL_SMTP_HOST SMTP host to connect to yes -
SJP_MAIL_SMTP_PORT SMTP port to connect to no 587
SJP_MAIL_SMTP_USERNAME SMTP username to authorize with yes -
SJP_MAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD SMTP password to authorize with yes -
SJP_MAIL_TLS_INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFY true if certificates should not be verified no false
SJP_MAIL_TLS_SERVER_NAME name of the server who expose the certificate no -


POST /v1/auth/login

This endpoint will check the email/password combination and will set the respond with an jwtauthToken if correct:

Request body:

  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password": "s3cr3t"

Response body (200 - OK):

  "access_token": "<access-jwt>",
  "refresh_token": "<refresh-jwt>"

POST /v1/auth/refresh

This endpoint will return a new access and refresh token. The submitted refresh-token will no longer be valid.

Request body:

  "refresh_token": "<refresh_jwt>"

Response body (200 - OK):

  "access_token": "<new-access-jwt>",
  "refresh_token": "<new-refresh-jwt>"

POST /v1/auth/password-reset-request

This endpoint will trigger a password reset request. The user gets a token per mail. With this token, the password can be reset via POST@/v1/auth/password-reset.

Request body:

  "email": "[email protected]"

Response (201 - CREATED)

POST /v1/auth/password-reset

This endpoint will reset the password of the given user if the reset-token is valid and matches to the given email.

Request body:

  "email": "[email protected]",
  "reset_token": "rAnDoMsHiT456",
  "password": "SeCReT"

Response (204 - NO CONTENT)

POST /v1/admin/users

This endpoint will create a new user if admin api auth was successfully:

Request body:

  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password": "s3cr3t",
  "claims": {
    "myCustomClaim": "custom claims for jwt and mail templates"

Response body (201 - CREATED)

PUT /v1/admin/users/{email}

This endpoint will update the given properties (excluding email) of the user with the given email when the admin api auth was successfully:

Request body:

  "password": "n3wS3cr3t",
  "claims": {
    "updatedClaim": "now updated"

Response body (200 - NO CONTENT)

  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password": "**********",
  "claims": {
    "updatedClaim": "now updated"

DELETE /v1/admin/users/{email}

This endpoint will delete the user with the given email when there are no tokens which referred to this user, and the admin api auth was successfully:

Response body (201 - NO CONTENT)


Mails will be generated based on a set of templates which should be prepared for productive usage.

  • <mailType>.html represents the html body of the mail and can be templated with html.template syntax (https://golang.org/pkg/html/template/). Available templating arguments listed in detailed template type description.
  • <mailType>.txt represents the text body of the mail and can be templated with text.template syntax (https://golang.org/pkg/text/template/). Available templating arguments listed in detailed template type description.
  • <mailType>.yml represents the header of the mail. In this template headers e.g. From, To or Subject can be set text.template syntax (https://golang.org/pkg/text/template/). Available templating arguments listed in detailed template type description.

Password reset request

An example of this mail type can be found in /mail-templates/password-reset-request.*. Available template arguments:

Argument Content Example usage
Recipient Users email address {{.Recipient}}
PasswordResetToken The token which is required to reset the password {{.PasswordResetToken}}
Claims All custom-claims which stored in relation to the user {{if index .Claims "first_name"}}



Mocks will be generated with github.com/matryer/moq. Execute the following for generation:

go get github.com/matryer/moq
go generate ./...

component tests

Component tests can be executed locally with:

# build simple-jwt-provider from source code
# setup infrastructure
# run all test file with build-tag component in /cmd/provider 