TorchProteinLibrary version 0.15
This library pytorch layers for working with protein structures in a differentiable way. We are working on this project and it's bound to change: there will be interface changes to the current layers, addition of the new ones and code optimizations.
- GCC >= 7
- CUDA >= 10.0
- PyTorch >= 1.1
- Python >= 3.5
- Biopython
- setuptools
Clone the repository:
git clone
then run the following command:
python install
The library is structured in the following way:
This module deals with full-atom representation of a protein. Layers:
- Angles2Coords: computes the coordinates of protein atoms, given dihedral angles
- Coords2TypedCoords: rearranges coordinates according to predefined atom types
- CoordsTransform: implementations of translation, rotation, centering in a box, random rotation matrix, random translation
- PDB2Coords: loading of PDB atomic coordinates
The coarse-grained representation of a protein.
- Angles2Backbone: computes the coordinates of protein backbone atoms, given dihedral angles
For now, only contains implementation of differentiable least-RMSD. Layers:
- Coords2RMSD: computes minimum RMSD by optimizing wrt translation and rotation of input coordinates
Deals with volumetric representation of a protein.
- TypedCoords2Volume: computes 3d density maps of coordinates with assigned types
- Select: selects cells from a set of volumes at scaled input coordinates
- VolumeConvolution: computes correlation of two volumes of equal size
Additional useful function in C++ extension _Volume:
_Volume.Volume2Xplor: saves volume to XPLOR format
General design decisions
The library is structured in the following way:
- Layers directory contains c++/cuda implementations
- Each layer has <layer_name>_ interface.h and .cpp files, that have implementations of functions that are exposed to python
- Each python extension has main.cpp file, that contains macros with definitions of exposed functions
We found that these principles provide readability and overall cleaner design.