E.D.D.I: Prompt & Conversation Management Middleware for Conversational AI APIs
E.D.D.I (Enhanced Dialog Driven Interface) is an enterprise-certified chatbot middleware that offers advanced prompt and conversation management for Conversational AI APIs, such as ChatGPT. Developed in Java using Quarkus, it is lean, RESTful, scalable, and cloud-native. It comes with Docker support and can be orchestrated with Kubernetes or Openshift.
Latest stable version: 5.1.1
License: Apache License 2.0
Project website: here
Documentation: here
E.D.D.I is a highly scalable, enterprise-certified, cloud-native middleware for managing conversations in AI-driven applications. It is designed to run efficiently in cloud environments such as Docker, Kubernetes, and Openshift. E.D.D.I offers seamless API integration capabilities, allowing easy connection with various conversational services or traditional REST APIs. It supports the integration of multiple chatbots, even multiple versions of the same bot, for smooth upgrading and transitions.
Notable features include:
- Seamless integration with conversational or traditional REST APIs
- Configurable NLP and Behavior rules to facilitate conversations and monitor sensitive topics
- Support for multiple chatbots, including multiple versions of the same bot, running concurrently
Technical specifications:
- Resource-/REST-oriented architecture
- Java Quarkus framework
- Dependency Injection
- Prometheus integration (Metrics endpoint)
- Kubernetes integration (Liveness/Readiness endpoint)
- MongoDB for storing bot configurations and conversation logs
- OAuth 2.0 (Keycloak) for authentication and user management
- HTML, CSS, Javascript (Dashboard & Basic Chat UI)
- Java 17
- Maven 3.8.4
- MongoDB > 4.4
How to run the project
- Setup a local mongodb (> v4.4)
- On a terminal, under project root folder, run the following command:
./mvnw compile quarkus:dev
- Go to Browser --> http://localhost:7070
Note: If running locally inside an IDE you need lombok to be enabled (otherwise you will get compile errors complaining about missing constructors). Either download as plugin (e.g. inside Intellij) or follow instructions here [https://projectlombok.org/](https://projectlombok.org/
Build App & Docker image
./mvnw clean package '-Dquarkus.container-image.build=true'
Download from Docker hub registry
docker pull labsai/eddi
Run Docker image
For production, launch standalone mongodb and then start an eddi instance as defined in the docker-compose file
docker-compose up
For development, use
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml up
For integration testing run
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml -f docker-compose.testing.yml -p ci up -d
prometheus/metrics integration
kubernetes integration
Liveness endpoint:
Readiness endpoint: