MapperDao is an ORM library for the scala language and the following databases:
- oracle
- postgresql
- mysql
- derby
- sql server
- h2
It allows ...(more)
- 28/12/2016 : 1.0.2 for scala 2.11 and 2.12 is released.
- 05/04/2015 : moved the project to github.
- 25/08/2014 : updated the tutorial
- 08/06/2014 : 1.0.1 for scala 2.10 & 2.11 is available, a maintenance release. The artifactId now complies with sbt rules reg. scala version. Also minor clean up of the exposed API and code.
- 21/04/2014 : is now released for scala 2.11 .
- 20/04/2014 : is now released for scala 2.10 .
- 18/01/2014 : with immutable query DSL, better aliasing and immutable builder
import java.util.Properties
import org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory
// create a datasource using apache dbcp
val properties = new Properties
val dataSource = BasicDataSourceFactory.createDataSource(properties)
// create the mapperdao instance, connect to an oracle database and register our 2 entities
import com.googlecode.mapperdao.utils.Setup
val (jdbc,mapperDao,queryDao,txManager) =,List(PersonEntity,CompanyEntity))
// domain model classes (immutable)
class Person(val name: String, val company: Company)
class Company(val name: String)
// mappings (using default table and column naming convention)
object PersonEntity extends Entity[Int,SurrogateIntId, Person] {
val id = key("id") autogenerated (
val name = column("name") to (
val company = manytoone(CompanyEntity) to (
def constructor(implicit m) = new Person(name, company) with Stored {
val id: Int =
object CompanyEntity extends Entity[Int,SurrogateIntId, Company] {
val id = key("id") autogenerated (
val name = column("name") to (
def constructor(implicit m) = new Company(name) with Stored {
val id: Int =
val tx = Transaction.get(txManager, Propagation.Nested, Isolation.ReadCommited, -1)
// insert a person
import mapperDao._
val person = new Person("Kostas", new Company("Coders limited"))
val inserted = tx { () => insert(PersonEntity, person) } // inserts person, company, in 1 transaction
// print the autogenerated id and the person name
println(s"${} ${}"))
// now update the company for this person
val company2 = insert(CompanyEntity, Company("Scala Inc"))
val modified = new Person(, company2)
val updated = update(PersonEntity, inserted, modified) // no transaction here, but we could do the operation transactionally
// and select it from the database
val selected = select(PersonEntity,
// finally, delete the row
mapperDao.delete(PersonEntity, selected)
// run some queries
val pe=PersonEntity //alias
val people=query(select from pe) // get all
// people is a list of Person with IntId
// fetch only page 2 of all people
val people=query(QueryConfig.pagination(2, 10),select from pe)
// people is a list of Person with IntId
- sqlite driver
- optimistic locking
- sum, avg, min, max and for column mappings and groupby in mappings of statistical entities
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