Define clusters and tasks for system administration or code deployment, then execute them on one or many remote machines.
Clojure-control depends only on OpenSSH and clojure on the local control machine.Remote machines simply need a standard sshd daemon.
The idea came from node-control.
- Control 0.4.1 released.ReleaseNotes
Clojure-Control bootstraps itself using the control
shell script; there is no separate install script. It installs its dependencies upon the first run on unix, so the first run will take longer.
- Download the script.
- Place it on your $PATH. (I like to use ~/bin)
- Set it to be executable. (
chmod 755 ~/bin/control
The link above will get you the stable release.
On Windows most users can get the batch file. If you have wget.exe or curl.exe already installed and in PATH, you can just run control self-install
, otherwise get the standalone jar from the downloads page. If you have Cygwin you should be able to use the shell script above rather than the batch file.
Basic Usage
The tutorial has a detailed walk-through of the steps involved in creating a control project, but here are the commonly-used tasks:
control init #create a sample control file in current folder
control run CLUSTER TASK <args> #run user-defined clojure-control tasks against certain cluster
control show CLUSTER #show certain cluster info.
Use control help
to see a complete list.
Getting started
Creating a control file by:
control init
It will create a file named control.clj
under current folder.Defines your clusters and tasks in this file,for example:
(defcluster :default-cluster
:clients [
{:host "localhost" :user "root"}
(deftask :date "echo date on cluster" []
(ssh "date"))
It defines a cluster named default-cluster
,and defines a task named date
to execute date
command on remote machines.Run date
task on default-cluster
control run default-cluster date
Performing default-cluster
Performing date for localhost
localhost:ssh: date
localhost:stdout: Sun Jul 24 19:14:09 CST 2011
localhost:exit: 0
Also,you can run the task with user@host
instead of a pre-defined cluster:
control run root@localhost date
You may have to type password when running this task. You can setup ssh public keys to avoid typing a password when logining remote machines.please visit HOWTO: set up ssh keys
Every task's running result is a map contains output and status,you can get them by:
(let [rt (ssh "date")]
(println (:status rt))
(println (:stdout rt))
(println (:stderr rt)))
You can do whatever you want with these values,for example,checking status is right or writing standard output to a file.
##Some practical tasks
A task to ping mysql:
(deftask :ping-mysql []
(let [stdout (:stdout (ssh "mysqladmin -u root -p'password' ping"))]
(if (.contains stdout "is alive")
A task to deploy application:
(deftask :deploy-app []
(local "tar zcvf app.tar.gz app/")
(scp "app.tar.gz" "/home/user/")
(cd "/home/user"
(run "tar zxvf app.tar.gz")
(env "JAVA_OPTS" "-XMaxPermSize=128m"
(run "bin/ restart")))))))
Two tasks to install zookeeper c client:
(deftask ldconfig
(ssh "ldconfig" :sudo true))
(deftask install_zk_client
(run "mkdir -p /home/deploy/dennis")
(cd "/home/deploy/dennis"
(run "wget"))))
(ssh (cd "/home/deploy/dennis"
(run "tar zxvf zookeeper-3.4.3.tar.gz")))
(ssh (cd "/home/deploy/dennis/zookeeper-3.4.3/src/c"
(run "./configure --includedir=/usr/include")
(run "make")
(run "sudo make install"))))
(call :ldconfig))
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