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  • License
    GNU General Publi...
  • Created over 4 years ago
  • Updated 3 months ago


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Repository Details

Open Source ERP Software

Build Status Documentation Latest Stable Version License

Enterprise Resource Planning

ERP Kltech is a suite of web based open source business apps.

The main Apps include an:

  • Open Source eCommerce.
  • Warehouse Management.
  • Billing & Accounting.
  • Point of Sale.
  • Human Resources.

You can contribute to the development of this system by making a pull request to our github.

Getting started with ERP Kltech

For a standard installation please follow the Setup instructions

  • run php artisan migrate
  • run php artisan db:seed
  • jalankan php artisan serve untuk memulai aplikasi

Superuser Account


Thank you for considering contributing to the Laravel framework! The contribution guide can be found in the [ERP System documentation].