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Repository Details

Dream to Control: Learning Behaviors by Latent Imagination, implemented in PyTorch.

Dreamer PyTorch


PA: This repository is in maintenance mode. No new features will be added but bugfixes and contributions are welcome. Please create a pull request with any fixes you have!

Dream to Control: Learning Behaviors by Latent Imagination

Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.01603
Project Website: https://danijar.com/project/dreamer/
TensorFlow 2 implementation: https://github.com/danijar/dreamer
TensorFlow 1 implementation: https://github.com/google-research/dreamer


Task Average Return @ 1M Dreamer Paper @ 1M
Acrobot Swingup 69.54 ~300
Cartpole Balance 877.5 ~990
Cartpole Balance Sparse 814 ~900
Cartpole Swingup 633.6 ~800
Cup Catch 885.1 ~990
Finger Turn Hard 212.8 ~550
Hopper Hop 219 ~250
Hopper Stand 511.6 ~990
Pendulum Swingup 724.9 ~760
Quadruped Run 112.4 ~450
Quadruped Walk 52.82 ~650
Reacher Easy 962.8 ~950
Walker Stand 956.8 ~990

Table 1. Dreamer PyTorch vs. Paper Implementation

  • 1 random seed for PyTorch, 5 for the paper
  • Code @ commit ccea6ae
  • 37H for 1M steps on P100, 20H for 1M steps on V100


  • Install Python 3.11
  • Install Python Poetry
# clone the repo with rlpyt submodule
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/juliusfrost/dreamer-pytorch.git
cd dreamer-pytorch

# Windows
cd setup/windows_cu118

# Linux
cd setup/linux_cu118

# install with poetry
poetry install

# install with pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

Running Experiments

To run experiments on Atari, run python main.py, and add any extra arguments you would like. For example, to run with a single gpu set --cuda-idx 0.

To run experiments on DeepMind Control, run python main_dmc.py. You can also set any extra arguments here.

Experiments will automatically be stored in data/local/yyyymmdd/run_#
You can use tensorboard to keep track of your experiment. Run tensorboard --logdir=data.

If you have trouble reproducing any results, please raise a GitHub issue with your logs and results. Otherwise, if you have success, please share your trained model weights with us and with the broader community!


To run tests:

pytest tests

If you want additional code coverage information:

pytest tests --cov=dreamer

Code structure

  • main.py run atari experiment
  • main_dmc.py run deepmind control experiment
  • dreamer dreamer code
    • agents agent code used in sampling
      • atari_dreamer_agent.py Atari agent
      • dmc_dreamer_agent.py DeepMind Control agent
      • dreamer_agent.py basic sampling agent, exploration, contains shared methods
    • algos algorithm specific code
      • dreamer_algo.py optimization algorithm, loss functions, hyperparameters
      • replay.py replay buffer
    • envs environment specific code
      • action_repeat.py action repeat wrapper. ported from tf2 dreamer
      • atari.py Atari environments. ported from tf2 dreamer
      • dmc.py DeepMind Control Suite environment. ported from tf2 dreamer
      • env.py base classes for environment
      • modified_atari.py unused atari environment from rlpyt
      • normalize_actions.py normalize actions wrapper. ported from tf2 dreamer
      • one_hot.py one hot action wrapper. ported from tf2 dreamer
      • time_limit.py Time limit wrapper. ported from tf2 dreamer
      • wrapper.py Base environment wrapper class
    • experiments currently not used
    • models all models used in the agent
      • action.py Action model
      • agent.py Summarizes all models for agent module
      • dense.py Dense fully connected models. Used for Reward Model, Value Model, Discount Model.
      • distribution.py Distributions, TanH Bijector
      • observation.py Observation Model
      • rnns.py Recurrent State Space Model
    • utils utility functions
      • logging.py logging videos
      • module.py freezing parameters