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    Apache License 2.0
  • Created over 1 year ago
  • Updated 3 months ago


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Template skeleton for quick bootstrap of an Android app


Template skeleton for quick bootstrap of an Android app

This is a project template to quickly bootstrap an Android app with the following characteristics:

  • JDK17 toolchain
  • 100% Kotlin (no 'java' dirs)
  • 100% Jetpack Compose (no fragments)
  • LeakCanary
  • Gradle convention plugins
  • Gradle version catalog
  • Gradle typesafe project accessors
  • Mend Renovate configuration
  • Github action to run checks on every push/PR
  • Dagger + Hilt
  • Single activity with
    • Splashscreen
    • Edge to edge layout
    • Compose Material 3 Theme with palette generated from http://m3.material.io
    • androidx NavHost for navigation
    • Sample e2e test
  • One empty feature module with
    • Compose UI
    • Sample unit and integration tests