I'n not currently giving support or updating this app. However I'm using it in a production environment with no issues
SMSHub is an SMS Gateway application for Android phones (Android Studio project developed in Kotlin) you can use to add SMS functionality to your software. It connects to a webpage to retrieve messages to be sent (in JSON format) at regular intervals. It also notifies about delivery status and incoming messages.
Commercial SMS APIs are (for most cases) prohibitively expensive. Instead you can use your own phone line to send SMS with an Android phone as a gateway.
There are other SMS gateways projects but as far as I could check when this project started, none of them can be use to send and receive SMS via HTTP API easily and freely (with no commercial dependencies).
You can download a compiled .apk file from the beta release here
you can customize the next settings directly in the application
Send SMS:
- Enable sending: whether the app should read from the API and send messages
- send URL: messages will be parsed from this URL, you return a JSON containing message, number and id
- interval: the app will check whether there is an incoming message for sending each specific interval in minutes
- status URL: once a message is sent, status will be reported to this URL via GET parameters, id and status (SENT, FAILED, DELIVERED)
Receive SMS:
- receive URL: Message received will be posted here. If nothing is specified it will skip this action.
How sending SMSs works
1- The application connects at regular intervals to a URL
deviceId: 1
action: SEND
2- It should read a JSON containing message, number and id, or an empty response if there is nothing to send
{ "message": "hola mundo!", "number": "3472664455", "messageId": "1" }
3- The app will send the SMS message to number
4- Once sent (or failed) the app will notify the status to the status URL
deviceId: 1
messageId: 1
status: SENT
action: STATUS
5- Once delivered the app will notify the status to the status URL
deviceId: 1
messageId: 1
action: STATUS
Possible status values are: SENT, FAILED, DELIVERED (notice that it is unlikely but possible to get the DELIVERED update before the SENT update due to requests delay).
How receiving SMSs works
1- Each time a SMS is received the app will notify the received URL
deviceId: 1
number: 3472556699
message: Hello man!
action: RECEIVED