Flask Login Demo
Demo: http://itppylogindemo.herokuapp.com/
Flask Login
This code sample makes use of Flask and Flask-Login, a library that manages User registration, log in, session and logout functionality.
Demo App ..
- register and login users.
- create notes saved in database and associated to a specific user.
- users can edit their own notes.
To get started
Download code
Create Git repo
git init git add . git commit -am "init commit"
Create a virtual environment
virtualenv venv
Install all requirements for app
. runpip
. venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt
Create Heroku app
heroku create
Add MongoLab Starter Addon to your app, from your code directory in Terminal
heroku addons:add mongolab
Add MONGOLAB_URI from Heroku config to your .env file
heroku config --shell | grep MONGOLAB_URI >> .env
Create a SECRET_KEY for your .env and Heroku Config
We need a SECRET_KEY for salting the user passwords.
Open your .env and add a new line
We need to add this secret key to Heroku config vars too
This will add a new key and value to the App on Heroku.
Run it
With your MONGOLAB_URI and SECRET_KEY configured in .env and on Heroku config you should be good to run the code.
. start
. venv/bin/activate
foreman start
The routes
- / - main page - display all notes.
- /notes/:note_id - display an individual note
- /notes/:note_id/edit - display edit page for note, only user that created the note can edit.
- /register - create a new user
- /login - login with registered email and password
- /logout - logout user
Flask Blueprints - Modular Flask Development
Blueprints allow you to separate your app into modules removing core code from App.py and making the Blueprints little apps that get registered and work together in one large application.
Running the server
foreman start
If you don't have foreman, download and install the Heroku Toolbelt
run_server.py does the following tasks to get the app ready
- Imports app.py - app.py implements database connection, session management, login manager setup.
- Imports blueprints
- notes.py - routes for all note display, create and edit
- auth.py - routes for login, registration and logout