Doenload Redis-x64-3.0.504.msi
and install for redis server
- Connect to the Redis server.AUTH password
- Authenticate to the server.QUIT
- Close the connection.
SET key value
- Set the value of a key. Example:SET mykey "Hello"
GET key
- Get the value of a key. Example:GET mykey
DEL key [key ...]
- Delete one or more keys. Example:DEL mykey
- Check if a key exists. Example:EXISTS mykey
KEYS pattern
- Find all keys matching the given pattern. Example:KEYS my*
TTL key
- Get the time to live for a key. Example:TTL mykey
APPEND key value
- Append a value to a key. Example:APPEND mykey " World"
- Get the length of the value stored in a key. Example:STRLEN mykey
LPUSH key value [value ...]
- Prepend one or multiple values to a list. Example:LPUSH mylist "value1" "value2"
RPUSH key value [value ...]
- Append one or multiple values to a list. Example:RPUSH mylist "value3" "value4"
LPOP key
- Remove and get the first element in a list. Example:LPOP mylist
RPOP key
- Remove and get the last element in a list. Example:RPOP mylist
LRANGE key start stop
- Get a range of elements from a list. Example:LRANGE mylist 0 -1
SADD key member [member ...]
- Add one or more members to a set. Example:SADD myset "member1" "member2"
- Get all members of a set. Example:SMEMBERS myset
SISMEMBER key member
- Determine if a given value is a member of a set. Example:SISMEMBER myset "member1"
SREM key member [member ...]
- Remove one or more members from a set. Example:SREM myset "member1"
HSET key field value
- Set the value of a field in a hash. Example:HSET myhash field1 "value1"
HGET key field
- Get the value of a field from a hash. Example:HGET myhash field1
- Get all fields and values from a hash. Example:HGETALL myhash
HDEL key field [field ...]
- Delete one or more fields from a hash. Example:HDEL myhash field1
SUBSCRIBE channel [channel ...]
- Subscribe to channels. Example:SUBSCRIBE mychannel
UNSUBSCRIBE [channel ...]
- Unsubscribe from channels. Example:UNSUBSCRIBE mychannel
PUBLISH channel message
- Publish a message to a channel. Example:PUBLISH mychannel "Hello subscribers!"
- Get information and statistics about the server. Example:INFO
- Ping the server. Example:PING
- Remove all keys from the current database. Example:FLUSHDB