E-mail validator (PHP edition)
A very simple library that allows you to validate an e-mail address, check if it exists through online connection and check if the provider is a disposable one or not.
E-mail validation
String validation:
Complete validation:
The complete validation will check address syntax first, after that will check for provider existence through DNS resolution and then will check if the given e-mail address exists.
E-mail provider check
Before using these methods you should set up dictionaries as following:
Check if the e-mail provider is accepted:
PHPEmailAddressValidator::isTrustedProvider($email, $disposableAllowed, $strict);
With accepted is meant that the provider is found within the given white list, if strict mode is not enabled, will be also checked if the provider is found within the black list, in this case will be returned "false". If the provider is checked using strict mode will be returned "true" only if it is found within the given white list. Both white list and black list must be plain text files and providers must be separated by a break line (\n).
Check if the e-mail provider is disposable:
Disposable providers list must be plain text files and providers must be separated by a break line (\n).