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Just ask an otter! 🦦


Just ask an otter! 🦦

What is otter.nvim?

tldr: Otter.nvim provides lsp features and a code completion source for code embedded in other documents



When implementing autocompletion, code diagnostics and the likes for quarto-nvim I realized that a core feature would be useful to other plugins and usecases as well. quarto documents are computational notebooks for scientific communication based on pandocs markdown. One key feature is that these qmd documents can contain exectuable code blocks, with possibly different languages such as R and python mixed in one document.

How do we get all the cool language features we get for a pure e.g. python file -- like code completion, documentation hover windows, diagnostics -- when the code is just embedded as code blocks in a document? Well, if one document can't give us the answer, we ask an otter (another)! otter.nvim creates and synchronizes hidden buffers containing a single language each and directs requests for completion and lsp requests from the main buffer to those other buffers (otter buffers).

Example in a markdown (or quarto markdown) document index.md:

# Some markdown

Hello world

import numpy as np

We create a hidden buffer for a file index.md.tmp.py

  import numpy as np

This contains just the python code and blank lines for all other lines (this keeps line numbers the same, which comes straight from the trick that the quarto dev team uses for the vs code extension as well). Language servers can then attach to this hidden buffer. We can do this for all embedded languages found in a document.

A group of otters is called a raft

Each otter-activated buffer can maintain a set of other buffers synchronized to the main buffer.

In other words, each buffer can have a raft of otters!

otter.nvim contains a completion source for nvim-cmp. When a completion request is made, the whole raft of otters is synchronized and the question is directed to the otters. The accumulated answers are then displayed in the main buffer.

    Main --> 🦦1
    Main --> 🦦2
    Main --> 🦦3
    🦦1 --> response
    🦦2 --> response
    🦦3 --> response
    response --> Main: filter

How do I use otter.nvim?

The easiest way to get started is try it out in quarto-nvim or look at the usecases there. Specifically, you'll want to look at the lua/plugins/quarto.lua file in the quarto-nvim-kickstarter configuration.

Assuming otter.nvim is configured and added to nvim-cmp as a completion source, call require'otter'.activate({'python', 'r', <more languages you want to embed> }) on any buffer that has injections (see :h treesitter-language-injections) defined and you will see code completion and diagnostics (on save).

Then use the otter.ask_... functions to e.g. ask for hover documentation, references or the definition.


otter.nvim relies on the following plugins:


An otter eagerly awaiting your lsp requests. Generated with DALL-E 2.