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Oracle DB driver for Laravel Framework

Laravel Oracle Database Package

OracleDB (updated for Laravel 9)

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OracleDB is an Oracle Database Driver package for Laravel Framework - thanks @taylorotwell. OracleDB is an extension of Illuminate/Database that uses either the PDO_OCI extension or the OCI8 Functions wrapped into the PDO namespace.

Note: This package is designed to run in PHP 8.1, and has not been tested in PHP 8.0

Please report any bugs you may find.


With Composer:

composer require jfelder/oracledb

During this command, Laravel's "Auto-Discovery" feature should automatically register OracleDB's service provider.

Next, publish OracleDB's configuration file using the vendor:publish Artisan command. This will copy OracleDB's configuration file to config/oracledb.php in your project.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=oracledb-config

To finish the installation, set your environment variables (typically in your .env file) to the corresponding env variables used in config/oracledb.php: such as DB_HOST, DB_USERNAME, etc.

Additionally, it may be necessary for your app to configure the NLS_DATE_FORMAT of the database connection session, before any queries are executed. One way to accomplish this is to run a statement in your AppServiceProvider's boot method, for example:

if (config('database.default') === 'oracle') {

Basic Usage

The configuration file for this package is located at config/oracledb.php. In this file, you define all of your oracle database connections. If you need to make more than one connection, just copy the example one. If you want to make one of these connections the default connection, enter the name you gave the connection into the "Default Database Connection Name" section in config/database.php.

Once you have configured the OracleDB database connection(s), you may run queries using the DB facade as normal.

Note: The default driver, 'oci8', makes OracleDB use the OCI8 Functions under the hood. If you want to use PDO_OCI instead, change the driver value to 'pdo' in the config/oracledb.php file.

$results = DB::select('select * from users where id = ?', [1]);

The above statement assumes you have set the default connection to be the oracle connection you setup in config/database.php file and will always return an array of results.

$results = DB::connection('oracle')->select('select * from users where id = ?', [1]);

Just like the built-in database drivers, you can use the connection method to access the oracle database(s) you setup in config/oracledb.php file.

Inserting Records Into A Table With An Auto-Incrementing ID

$id = DB::connection('oracle')->table('users')->insertGetId(
    ['email' => '[email protected]', 'votes' => 0], 'userid'

Note: When using the insertGetId method, you can specify the auto-incrementing column name as the second parameter in insertGetId function. It will default to "id" if not specified.

See Laravel Database Basic Docs for more information.

Unimplemented Features

Some of the features available in the first-party Laravel database drivers are not implemented in this package. Pull requests are welcome for implementing any of these features, or for expanding this list if you find any unimplemented features not already listed.

Query Builder

  • insertOrIgnore DB::from('users')->insertOrIgnore(['email' => 'foo']);
  • insertGetId with empty values DB::from('users')->insertGetId([]); (but calling with non-empty values is supported)
  • upserts DB::from('users')->upsert([['email' => 'foo', 'name' => 'bar'], ['name' => 'bar2', 'email' => 'foo2']], 'email');
  • deleting with a join DB::from('users')->join('contacts', 'users.id', '=', 'contacts.id')->where('users.email', '=', 'foo')->delete();
  • deleting with a limit DB::from('users')->where('email', '=', 'foo')->orderBy('id')->take(1)->delete();
  • json operations DB::from('users')->where('items->sku', '=', 'foo-bar')->get();
  • whereFulltext DB::table('users')->whereFulltext('description', 'Hello World');

Schema Builder

  • drop a table if it exists Schema::dropIfExists('some_table');
  • drop all tables, views, or types Schema::dropAllTables(), Schema::dropAllViews(), and Schema::dropAllTypes()
  • set collation on a table $blueprint->collation('BINARY_CI')
  • set collation on a column $blueprint->string('some_column')->collation('BINARY_CI')
  • set comments on a table $blueprint->comment("This table is great.")
  • set comments on a column $blueprint->string('foo')->comment("Some helpful info about the foo column")
  • set the starting value of an auto-incrementing column $blueprint->increments('id')->startingValue(1000)
  • create a private temporary table $blueprint->temporary()
  • rename an index $blueprint->renameIndex('foo', 'bar')
  • specify an algorithm when creating an index via the third argument $blueprint->index(['foo', 'bar'], 'baz', 'hash')
  • create a spatial index $blueprint->spatialIndex('coordinates')
  • create a spatial index fluently $blueprint->point('coordinates')->spatialIndex()
  • create a generated column, like the mysql driver has virtualAs and storedAs and postgres has generatedAs; ie, assuming an integer type column named price exists on the table, $blueprint->integer('discounted_virtual')->virtualAs('price - 5')
  • create a json column $blueprint->json('foo') or jsonb column $blueprint->jsonb('foo') (oracle recommends storing json in VARCHAR2, CLOB, or BLOB columns)
  • create a datetime with timezone column without precision $blueprint->dateTimeTz('created_at'), or with precision $blueprint->timestampTz('created_at', 1)
  • create Laravel-style timestamp columns having a timezone component $blueprint->timestampsTz()
  • create a uuid column $blueprint->uuid('foo') (oracle recommends a column of data type 16 byte raw for storing uuids)
  • create a foreign uuid column $blueprint->foreignUuid('foo')
  • create a column to hold IP addresses $blueprint->ipAddress('foo') (would be implemented as varchar2 45)
  • create a column to hold MAC addresses $blueprint->macAddress('foo') (would be implemented as varchar2 17)
  • create a geometry column $blueprint->geometry('coordinates')
  • create a geometric point column $blueprint->point('coordinates')
  • create a geometric point column specifying srid $blueprint->point('coordinates', 4326)
  • create a linestring column $blueprint->linestring('coordinates')
  • create a polygon column $blueprint->polygon('coordinates')
  • create a geometry collection column $blueprint->geometrycollection('coordinates')
  • create a multipoint column $blueprint->multipoint('coordinates')
  • create a multilinestring column $blueprint->multilinestring('coordinates')
  • create a multipolygon column $blueprint->multipolygon('coordinates')
  • create a double column without specifying second or third parameters $blueprint->double('foo') (but $blueprint->double('foo', 5, 2) is supported)
  • create a timestamp column with useCurrent modifier $blueprint->timestamp('created_at')->useCurrent()


Licensed under the MIT License.