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Siri Server

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This repository is discontinued, please visit the SiriServerCore repository for an up to date version of the server

If you have problems with the server in setup or something else, first read this file to the end and if you have still problems visit: SiriServer Board Please do NOT post installation problems or other non-code related stuff in the github issues section

There are currently only 8 plugins here, you can chat a little bit with siri. You can ask it for the current time and the current time at a certain point in the world. And you can ask it for the meaning of life. Also you can ask it for the weather. Create timers, ask for definitions of words, control your XBMC, work with notes and ask several question to wolfram alpha

You can contribute by making more plugins!

What is this?

This is a very early version of a Siri Server (not a proxy).

Apple's Siri is an voice controlled assistant on iPhone 4S.

With jailbreaking you can install it on other iDevices. However, Siri needs a server to communicate to do the speech processing. Apple only allows 4S devices on their servers.

This project tries to recreate the Apple Siri Server to use it with other iDevices.

You don't need any 4S keys to make it work, as it is independent from Apple.

It uses Google Speech-To-Text API. And therefore we are currently limited to commands that are shorter than 10 seconds (maybe we can overcome this).

What's new?

We have a new plugin system: Check out the plugins folder and the example plugin for more infos. It supports multi-language inputs.

You should also checkout the plugin.py to see a plugin's predefined methods. You can also look at the time plugin, it sends more complexe objects and does meaningful localized output. And does more complex processing of different inputs

What else is here?

The file SiriProtocol documents everything I (and others) found out about the protocol by now

Setup, Notes and Instructions


There is an experimental installer by johanberglind which does the steps described below, you may try it instead of the manual method. You can get it here: Installer on Github

Install audio libraries

For the audio handling you need libspeex and libflac

On Linux simply install it via you packet manager e.g. (or see instructions and note for OS X):

sudo apt-get install libspeex1 libflac8

On OS X download libspeex and libflac from the websites above (the sources, not the binaries) and compile and install them, or simply follow the following steps:

wget http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/speex/speex-1.2rc1.tar.gz
tar -xf speex-1.2rc1.tar.gz
cd speex-1.2rc1
sudo make install
cd ..

wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/flac/files/flac-src/flac-1.2.1-src/flac-1.2.1.tar.gz/download -O flac-1.2.1.tar.gz
tar -xf flac-1.2.1.tar.gz
./configure --disable-asm-optimizations
sudo make install

Note: you can also install libspeex via MacPorts, but libflac is not available in 64bit through MacPorts, to make it build with 64bit support you need to supply --disable-asm-optimizations in configure of libflac to make it compile

Python requirements

As this project is coded with python you need a python interpreter (this is usually already installed). I work with python 2.6.6 and 2.7.2 and both work.

You also need some python packages to make it work:


You can install both via easy_install, easy_install is available at http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools, on Linux you can also get it via your packet manager:

sudo apt-get install python-setuptools

After you installed it, run:

easy_install biplist
easy_install M2Crypto

Certificate Generation

We also need to generate certificates forguzzoni.apple.com or any other domain

cd gen_certs






./gen_certs.sh domain.com

this will generate a certifcaite for guzzoni.apple.com, or domain.com

When you use Spire, just enter as address what ever parameter you supplied to gen_certs.sh e.g.:





In case you don't have Spire or want to use guzzoni.apple.com you need to setup a DNS spoofing or manipulate you hosts file

Please make sure to install the CA certificate on your iDevice (you can simply mail it to yourself). It is the CA.pem file that was copied by gen_certs.sh to the servers root. In your mail, just click on the certificate and install it.

Installing API Keys

Some of the plugins included require API/APPID keys to use. You'll need to register with the respective websites to obtain these keys.

The general format is as follows:


The apiName is usually printed in error messages when you miss a certain API Key.

Where to obtain API Keys

Register and sign up for an API with the following sites:

Why don't you give me your key?

The API (Application Programming Interface) keys are necessary to allow some plugins to use different services on the internet. Those api keys are like a username password combination and grant access to several resources online, like wolframalpha, they make it very easy to use the resources in a computer program. As you must buy a API key if you want to use it for multiple users or commercially (That are usually the terms for APIs) we cannot distribute the keys here in github and must require users to create them on their own, they are usually free for noncommercial and personal use.

Running the server

Now you are ready to go, start the server with:

sudo python siriServer.py

Note: You need to run it as root, as we use https port 443 (non root can only use ports > 1024) for incomming connections.

Running the server as a service For Ubuntu/Debian/...

  1. Copy the script from startupScripts/siriserver to /etc/init.d "sudo cp startupScripts/siriserver /etc/init.d/siriserver"
  2. Edit the script, fill in the path to your SiriServer folder "sudo nano /etc/init.d/siriserver"
  3. Make executable "sudo chmod a+x /etc/init.d/siriserver"
  4. Add it to the startup items: "sudo update-rc.d siriserver defaults"
  5. Start with "sudo service siriserver start" You can now start, restart and stop SiriServer just as you started it in step 5.

For Mac

  1. "sudo cp startupScripts/net.siriserver.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons"
  2. "sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/net.siriserver.plist"

Common Errors

If we had the mid 90s this section would glow and sparkle to get your attention. There are some errors that might occur even though you did everything that was written above...

The server just crashes after a SpeechPacket

You are running Linux right? Probably debian? There is probably already a libspeex on your machine which is optimized for SSE2 which does not work with python (reason???) Check if there is a /usr/lib/sse2/libspeex.so.1.

Option A: delete it (there should also be a version in /usr/lib if you installed via apt, or in /usr/local/lib if you compiled by hand)

Option B: ToDo

This M2Crypto thing is not working

Did you install all dependencies of M2Crypto?

I cannot get a connection from device to server

Do you access your server over the internet? You need to setup your firewall and NAT to allow traffic for tcp port 443 directed to your server Do you have a local firewall on the machine running the server? Also check if tcp port 443 is allowed for incomming connections

There is an exception with something around a database lock

error: uncaptured python exception, closing channel <main.HandleConnection connected xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:XXXX at 0xa65c368> (:database is locked

Solution: delete the .sqlite3 file and restart server

There is something with SSL in the error

Have you installed the ca.pem file on your phone? Do you have more than one CA certificate installed for the same domain?

=> Try deleting all certificates on the device and install the one created by gen_certs

Can I somehow verify the correct certificate? YES!

start siriServer.py, then take your ca.pem you think belongs to your servers certificate and run:

 echo | openssl s_client -connect [DOMAIN]:443 2>&1 | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' | openssl verify -CAfile ca.pem 

Make sure to replace [DOMAIN] with the actual domain of the machine running siriServer.py (e.g. an IP address) If your ca.pem matches your server certificate you should see stdin: OK as output!

OK, what else? We can also setup a small test server using openssl to check if SSL is working (and to check if the iPhone correctly validates the server certificate):

sudo openssl s_server -cert server.passless.crt -key server.passless.key -accept 443 -state

When you run this (siriServer should NOT run) it opens a basis server on port 443 using your servers certificate.

Now you can connect with your iPhone as if you would use Siri (of course Siri won't work, we are just testing the SSL layer) It should output something like this, note the Ace http request near the end:

 Using default temp DH parameters
 Using default temp ECDH parameters  
 SSL_accept:before/accept initialization
 SSL_accept:SSLv3 read client hello A
 SSL_accept:SSLv3 write server hello A
 SSL_accept:SSLv3 write certificate A
 SSL_accept:SSLv3 write server done A
 SSL_accept:SSLv3 flush data
 SSL_accept:SSLv3 read client key exchange A
 SSL_accept:SSLv3 read finished A
 SSL_accept:SSLv3 write change cipher spec A
 SSL_accept:SSLv3 write finished A
 SSL_accept:SSLv3 flush data
 Secure Renegotiation IS supported
 ACE /ace HTTP/1.0
 User-Agent: Assistant(iPhone/iPhone3,1; iPhone OS/5.0.1/9A405) Ace/1.0
 Content-Length: 2000000000


If you followed every step of the installation and you still need help to get SiriServer up and running, join #SiriServer channel on Freenode (IRC).


A big thanks to Applidium and also plamoni for his SiriProxy which inspired me Thanks to everyone that contributed code or ideas.


This is free software. You can reuse it under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 license. So you can do what ever you want with it. But you are not allowed to sell it. If you like to do more than the license allows, please contact me and ask for a special commercial license.


Apple owns all the rights on Siri. I do not give any warranties or guaranteed support for this software. Use it as it is.