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iOS版功能最全的微信插件,支持最新版微信,具备自动抢红包,屏蔽消息和群消息,过滤特定的群聊,防止撤回消息,伪定位 (朋友圈和附近的人),修改微信运动步数和实时取景做聊天页的背景等功能。Awesome
提供iOS精选列表,包含Objective-C和Swift项目,涉及鸿蒙开发、Flutter、React Native、Weex、H5、小程序、区块链、数据库、游戏开发等教程(Provides a curated list of awesome iOS, including Objective-C and Swift Projects, covering tutorials on HarmonyOS development, Flutter, React Native, Weex, H5, mini programs, blockchain, databases, game development, and more.)。DYFStoreKit
一个轻量级且易用的iOS应用内购库(A lightweight and easy-to-use iOS library for In-App Purchases.)。DYFStore
一个轻量级且易用的iOS应用内购库(A lightweight and easy-to-use iOS library for In-App Purchases.)。iOS-interview-questions
相信很多 iOS 程序猿都有进入 BAT、字节跳动、美团、京东、360和小米等大厂的梦想,进入唯一途径就是通过面试,面试的关键就是硬实力,也就是知识储备和行业工作经验。感谢 icofans 的资料!在线查看地址:https://ios.nobady.cndart_crypto
集成了Base64, 32/16 Bits MD5, AES, RSA等算法(This integrates Base64, 32/16 Bits MD5, AES and RSA algorithms.)。QPlayer
一款不错的 iOS 视频播放器,支持 M4V、WMV、MP4、MOV、AVI、MKV、FLV、RM、RMVB 等主流媒体格式,支持 WiFi 文件传输,可以随时随地观看本地视频,同时也支持 HTTP、RTMP、RTSP、HLS 等流媒体播放。重构了此项目,采用MVP设计模式,提高APP性能,适配APP深浅模式等,使浏览体验更好。DYFAuthIDAndGestureLock
手势密码解锁和 TouchID (指纹) / FaceID(面容) 解锁,代码简洁高效。(Gesture passcode unlocking and TouchID (fingerprint) / FaceID (facial features) unlocking.)grab_ethtoken_info
从以太坊区块链 (Ethereum Blockchain) etherscan 上抓取任意一个钱包地址的所有token信息 (Address, Name, Balance, Symbol, Value),并编写界面进行展示。DYFCodeScanner
一个简单的二维码和条码扫描器,有一套自定义的扫描动画以及界面,支持相机缩放,还可以生成和识别二维码。(A simple QR code and barcode scanner, which has a set of custom scanning animation and interface, supports camera zooming, and can generate and identify QR code.)Swift-study
Swift 是一门开发 iOS, macOS, watchOS 和 tvOS 应用的新语言。本仓库包涵了Swift的基础部分、基本运算符、字符串和字符、集合类型、控制流、函数、闭包、枚举、类和结构体、属性、方法、下标、继承、构造过程、析构过程、可选链、错误处理、类型转换、嵌套类型、扩展、协议、泛型、自动引用计数、内存安全、访问控制和高级运算符等教程。Unity-iOS-InAppPurchase
Unity实现苹果iOS的应用内购买( Unity implements Apple's in-app purchases for iOS.)。CXSwiftKit
提供Swift丰富的扩展和实用工具类(This provides the utilities and rich extensions of Swift.)。CXDownload
实现 iOS 的Base64, 32/16位 MD5, DES, AES, RSA算法,调用简单且好用。(Achieves Base64, 32/16 bit MD5, DES, AES and RSA algorithms for iOS, the invocation is simple and easy to use.)Script
编写 Shell, Python, Ruby 等一些实用脚本,新增 macOS 应用多开脚本 (Writes some useful scripts about Shell, Python, Ruby, etc.)InAppPurchase-for-iOS
Please use the new library.DYFAssistiveTouchView
iOS应用内的悬浮按钮和工具条。(The float button and toolbar for app within iOS.)DYFLoadingManager
`DYFLoadingManager` is an iOS management class that loads animation prompts, it displays a translucent mask with an indicator and labels while work is being done.IPAPkgTool
一款自动化打包 ipa 的 MacOS 应用。(A macOS application that packs ipa automatically.)ios-sdk-dev-demo
一个简单封装的iOS SDK,提供demo及制作教程。(A simple wrapping SDK for iOS, provides demo and production tutorials.)DYFStoreReceiptVerifier
An open source receipt verification client program.DYFKeychain
This library is used to store text and data in Keychain securely for iOS, OS X, tvOS and watchOS.MacExcelTool
一款将 excel 文件 (.xlsx) 与 txt 文件 (.txt) 互相转换的 Mac 应用。本应用主要使用了 Mac 程序与脚本之间的交互,通过调用脚本与监听事件完成相应的任务和进度提示。SwiftUISample
A sample about SwiftUI.CXNetwork-Moya
Encapsulates a network request library with Moya and ObjectMapper.MarsUIKit
MarsUIKit wraps some commonly used UI components.DYFBlurEffect
快速实现模糊图像,并支持系统 UIVisualEffectView。(Quickly realize blurred image, and support UIVisualEffectView in iOS.)
My Blog. Website: https://itenfay.github.ioDYFSwiftKeychain
This library is used to store text and data in Keychain securely for iOS, OS X, tvOS and watchOS.DYFToast
采用链式编程和点语法操作,实现 iOS 仿真安卓吐司提示框。(Using chain programming and point syntax operation to realize the simulation of Android's Toast in iOS.)FFmpeg-lib
FFmpeg is a collection of libraries and tools to process multimedia content such as audio, video, subtitles and related metadata.clang_api
clang_api封装 iOS 系统常用接口,存取bundle中的资源,读取本地化文本,执行选择器和 UserDefaults 的相关操作,调用通知中心的相关操作等。
This is a blog template. You need to change `hstemplate` to your GitHub user name.TestGameCenter
`DYFGameCenterWrapper`类完成 Game Center 的授权认证等。(Completes the Game Center authentication access,and so on.)iOS-Interview-Questions2
iOS interview questions IIDYFCountDownButton
一个倒计时按钮,操作简单好用。(A countdown button for iOS, the operation is simple and easy to use.)Runtime
Provides data sources for UITableView or UICollectionView.DYFSwiftRuntimeProvider
Wraps the runtime, and can quickly use for the transformation of the dictionary and model, archiving and unarchiving, adding a method, exchanging two methods, replacing a method, and getting all the variable names, property names and method names of a class.itenfay
My GitHub profile.Front-End_Dev_Study
Study Front-End development.DYFPlayer
Design PatternsDYFStoreReceiptVerifier_Swift
An open source receipt verification client program.EagleKit
`CXWebSocket` wraps websockets in swift for iOS and OSX.CXARKit
This is the tools for AR application.BCWallet
A small utility tool for getting the basic information about iOS device.iOSBlogReading
专注于精选 iOS/macOS X 开发者博客。GLMPlayer
This repository includes literary works and funny contents. Welcome to submit your works.Multi-thread
[Swift] GYNFoundation provides a foundataion framework, including HTTP network request, data statistics, foundataion classes, extensions, loading animation, and so on.AppStoreVersionDetector
Detect the app version from AppStore and support Objective-C.HUD_Demo
Wraps the runtime, and can quickly use for the transformation of the dictionary and model, archiving and unarchiving, adding a method, exchanging two methods, replacing a method, and getting all the variable names, property names and method names of a class.Tenfays-Blog-Comments
超好用的进度条和网页进度条,操作简单好用。(Super useful progress bar and web page progress bar, the operation is simple and easy to use.)Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us