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    Apache License 2.0
  • Created almost 5 years ago
  • Updated 3 months ago


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Repository Details

the C# SDK for HP-Socket https://github.com/ldcsaa/HP-Socket



the C# SDK for HP-Socket

.Net Framework Supported

  • .Net Framework 2.0+
  • .Net Core 2.0+
  • .Net 5.0
  • .Net 6.0

Platform supported

  • Windows 7+ x86/x64
  • Linux kernel 2.6.32+ x86/x64
  • mac OS 10.12+ x64

Installation Guide

HPSocket.Net deploy via NuGet package manager

Use the following command in the Package Manager console to manually install HPSocket.Net

Install-Package HPSocket.Net

Or right-click on the project name in the solution of Visual Studio-> Manage NuGet Packages-> Browse the page-> search box and enter HPSocket.Net and then install

About macOS

HPSocket.Net now supports development using.net core2.0 +inosx 10.12 +

Libhpsocket4c.dylib in Nuget package is compiled from HP-Socket-for-macOS

Components List

Basic Components

Basic component is the original component provided by HP-Socket. For related usage, please refer to HP-Socket Doc

  • ITcpServer
  • ITcpAgent
  • ITcpClient
  • ITcpPullServer
  • ITcpPullAgent
  • ITcpPullClient
  • ITcpPackServer
  • ITcpPackAgent
  • ITcpPackClient
  • IUdpServer
  • IUdpClient
  • IUdpCast
  • IUdpArqServer
  • IUdpArqClient
  • IUdpNode
  • ISslServer
  • ISslAgent
  • ISslClient
  • ISslPullServer
  • ISslPullAgent
  • ISslPullClient
  • ISslPackServer
  • ISslPackAgent
  • ISslPackClient
  • IHttpServer
  • IHttpsServer
  • IHttpAgent
  • IHttpsAgent
  • IHttpClient
  • IHttpsClient
  • IHttpSyncClient
  • IHttpsSyncClient


  • ThreadPool

Extended components

  • ITcpPortForwarding
  • IHttpEasyServer
  • IHttpsEasyServer
  • IHttpEasyAgent
  • IHttpsEasyAgent
  • IHttpEasyClient
  • IHttpsEasyClient
  • IWebSocketServer
  • IWebSocketAgent
  • ITcpServer<TRequestBodyType>
  • ITcpClient<TRequestBodyType>
  • ITcpAgent<TRequestBodyType>
  • ISslServer<TRequestBodyType>
  • ISslClient<TRequestBodyType>
  • ISslAgent<TRequestBodyType>
  • AsyncQueue

HPSocket.Net provides a TCP port forwarding component ITcpPortForwarding, 10 lines of code can complete TCP port forwarding.

HPSocket.Net currently provides 6 Easy components and 2 WebSocket components for easier processing of http / https / ws data packets. The basic http components provided by HP-Socket need to implement the data packets themselves. Complete acquisition, Easy component has done these processing, http / https Easy component is bound to the following events, when the event arrives, you can get the complete data packet.

  • OnEasyChunkData Complete packet event for http CHUNK message
  • OnEasyMessageData Complete packet event for http GET or POST message
  • OnEasyWebSocketMessageData Complete packet event for WebSocket message

WebSocket can also use the following two components directly

  • IWebSocketServer WebSocket Server
  • IWebSocketAgent WebSocket Client (Unlike other Agent components, the WebSocket Agent component does not support connecting to different WebSocket Servers, which means that all connections of the IWebSocketAgent component can only connect to the same server)

AsyncQueue from qq:842352715


  1. For the use of most components, please refer to the project in the demo directory.
  2. In addition to the Pack series model, the Agent series components provided by HPSocket.Net (including the ITcpPortForwarding component) support to setting HTTP or Socks5 proxy, which can be set in the manner ofList<IProxy>. Multiple proxies can be set at the same time, which will be used randomly, and can be mixed with HTTP and Socks5 proxy at the same time. For the usage method, refer to the demo of each Agent component.

Easy component event binding example


// Create HttpEasyServer instance
using(IHttpEasyServer httpServer = new HttpEasyServer())
    // ... other settings

    // Binding OnEasyMessageData event
    httpServer.OnEasyMessageData += (sender, id, data) => 
        // The data parameter is a complete packet each time
        // ... Process data

        return HttpParseResult.Ok;


// Create HttpEasyAgent instance
using(IHttpEasyAgent httpAgent = new HttpEasyAgent())
    // ... other settings

    // Binding OnEasyMessageData event
    httpAgent.OnEasyMessageData += (sender, id, data) => 
        // The data parameter is a complete packet each time
        // ... Process data

        return HttpParseResult.Ok;


// Create HttpEasyClient instance
using(IHttpEasyClient httpClient = new HttpEasyClient())
    // ... other settings

    // Binding OnEasyMessageData event
    httpClient.OnEasyMessageData += (sender, data) => 
        // The data parameter is a complete packet each time
        // ... Process data

        return HttpParseResult.Ok;

Data receiving adapter component

Full Example: demo/TcpServer-TestEcho-Adapter

This series of components are Data Receive Adapter extension components of HPSocket.Net. Users can process sticky packets,half packets, etc. that may occur in TCP communication through Custom Data Receive Adapter. The Data Receive Adapter component looks similar to the Pack component of HP-Socket, but it is more flexible and the adaptation is very simple and convenient.

  • ITcpServer<TRequestBodyType>/ITcpClient<TRequestBodyType>/ITcpAgent<TRequestBodyType>
  • ISslServer<TRequestBodyType>/ISslClient<TRequestBodyType>/ISslAgent<TRequestBodyType>

<TRequestBodyType> generic type object will be called back in the OnParseRequestBody event of the components listed above.

using (ITcpServer<byte[]> server = new TcpServer<byte[]>
        // Specify the data receiving adapter
        DataReceiveAdapter = new BinaryDataReceiveAdapter(),
    // No need to bind OnReceive event
    // The data of the request body event parsed here is the data returned by BinaryDataReceiveAdapter.ParseRequestBody ()
    // The type of data is the byte[] specified when ITcpServer <byte[]> is instantiated
    server.OnParseRequestBody += (sender, id, data) =>
        Console.WriteLine($"OnParseRequestBody({id}) -> data length: {data.Length}");

        return HandleResult.Ok;

4 adapters currently supported

1. FixedHeaderDataReceiveAdapter Fixed header data receiving adapter

Usage scenario: The header length of the data packet is fixed and the header contains the body length.

Example: The first 4 bytes identifies the body length (little-endian). 0x00000003 indicates that the length of the body is 3 bytes, and {0x61, 0x62 0x63} is the body.

{ 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63 }

FixedHeaderDataReceiveAdapter Designed for this structure

Subclasses inherit FixedHeaderDataReceiveAdapter Call the parent class constructor in its own constructor, passing in header length and maximum allowed packet length Override the GetBodySize () method, the length of its parameter header is the length of the header specified in the constructor, the user needs to parse this parameter and return the actual body length Override the ParseRequestBody () method to deserialize the current bytes into a generic type (<TRequestBodyType>) object

using System;
using System.Text;
using HPSocket.Adapter;
using Models;
using Newtonsoft.Json;

namespace TcpServerTestEchoAdapter.DataReceiveAdapter
    /// <summary>
    /// Fixed header data receiving adapter
    /// </summary>
    public class PacketDataReceiveAdapter : FixedHeaderDataReceiveAdapter<Packet>
        /// <summary>
        /// Call the parent class constructor, specifying the length of the fixed header and the maximum packet length
        /// </summary>
        public PacketDataReceiveAdapter()
            : base(
                headerSize: 4,        // Specify a 4-byte header here
                maxPacketSize: 0x1000 // The maximum packet length specified here cannot exceed 4K


        /// <summary>
        /// Get request body length
        /// <remarks>Subclasses must override this method</remarks>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="header">Header. The length of the header is the length specified in the constructor. This method is called when a header of the specified length is received.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the body length</returns>
        protected override int GetBodySize(byte[] header)
            // Adapt the byte order according to the business scenario, and the byte order at both ends must be consistent.

            // If the current environment is not little-endian
            if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
                // Convert to little-endian byte order

            // Because the header is 4 bytes, it is directly converted to int and returned
            return BitConverter.ToInt32(header, 0);

        /// <summary>
        /// Parsing the request body
        /// <remarks>Subclasses must override this method</remarks>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="header">header</param>
        /// <param name="data">body data</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override Packet ParseRequestBody(byte[] header, byte[] data)
            // Deserialize data into object
            // Here is the object of the Packet class
            return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Packet>(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data));

2. FixedSizeDataReceiveAdapter Fixed-length packet data receiving adapter

The packet length is fixed, and each packet is the same size. Use this adaptation mode.

FixedSizeDataReceiveAdapter Designed for this structure

using HPSocket.Adapter;

namespace TcpServerTestEchoAdapter.DataReceiveAdapter
    /// <summary>
    /// Fixed-length packet data receiving adapter
    /// </summary>
    public class BinaryDataReceiveAdapter : FixedSizeDataReceiveAdapter<byte[]>
        /// <summary>
        /// Call the parent class constructor and specify the fixed-length package length
        /// </summary>
        public BinaryDataReceiveAdapter()
            : base(
                packetSize: 1024 // Fixed length packet length 1K bytes

        /// <summary>
        /// Parsing the request body
        /// <remarks>Subclasses must override this method</remarks>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">Fixed-length data handled by the parent class</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override byte[] ParseRequestBody(byte[] data)
            // Because inherited from FixedSizeDataReceiveAdapter <byte[]>, it is returned directly here, if it is other types, please complete the conversion and then return
            return data;

3. TerminatorDataReceiveAdapter Terminator data receiving adapter

There is no feature in the header, and the end of the packet uses a specific flag as the terminator. Use this adapter.

Example: The following package structure ends with \r\n.

hello world 1\r\n
hello world 2\r\n
hello world 3\r\n

TerminatorDataReceiveAdapter Designed for this structure

using System.Text;
using HPSocket.Adapter;

namespace TcpServerTestEchoAdapter.DataReceiveAdapter
    /// <summary>
    /// Terminator data receiving adapter
    /// </summary>
    public class TextDataReceiveAdapter : TerminatorDataReceiveAdapter<string>
        /// <summary>
        /// Call parent constructor, specify terminator
        /// </summary>
        public TextDataReceiveAdapter()
            : base(
                terminator: Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("\r\n") // Specify the terminator as \r\n, which means that each piece of data ends with \r\n. Pay attention to the encoding problem, and keep the two sides consistent.

        /// <summary>
        /// Parsing the request body
        /// <remarks>Subclasses must override this method</remarks>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">Data that has been processed by the parent class, without terminator.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override string ParseRequestBody(byte[] data)
            // Converted to the request object, pay attention to the character encoding, both sides must be consistent.
            return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);

4. BetweenAndDataReceiveAdapter Interval data receiving adapter

Both the header and the end of the package specify the characteristic symbol, using this adapter.

Example: The packet header starts with a certain characteristic symbol, and the packet tail ends with some other characteristic symbol.

##hello world!## // begin with ##, end with ##


##hello world!|| // begin with ##, end with ||


**hello world!|##| // begin with **, end with |##|

BetweenAndDataReceiveAdapter Designed for this structure

using System.Text;
using HPSocket.Adapter;

namespace TcpServerTestEchoAdapter.DataReceiveAdapter
    /// <summary>
    /// Interval data receiving adapter
    /// </summary>
    public class HeadTailDataReceiveAdapter : BetweenAndDataReceiveAdapter<string>
        /// <summary>
        /// Call the parent class constructor, specifying the start and end characteristic characters of the section
        /// </summary>
        public HeadTailDataReceiveAdapter() 
            : base( // For example, the data format is "#* 123456 *#", which starts with #* and ends with *#, and the middle 123456 part is the real data
                start : Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("#*"),  // Section start identifier, starting with #* here, pay attention to encoding issues, and be consistent at both sides
                end : Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("*#")  // Section end identifier, ends with *# here, pay attention to encoding issues, and be consistent at both sides

        /// <summary>
        /// Parsing the request body
        /// <remarks>Subclasses must override this method</remarks>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">Data that has not been processed by the parent class identifier character</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override string ParseRequestBody(byte[] data)
            // Converted to the request object, pay attention to the character encoding, both sides must be consistent.
            return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);


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