GridWichterle for Android
This app will show grid overlay over whole system which helps you to verify your excellent app design.
What is the grid good for?
- makes adhering to Android Design Guidelines - Metrics and Grids easy
- your app will look aesthetically pleasing
- designers use grid to create designs, use this app to verify design implementation
How to use:
- Run the app and see the grid over whole system
- Remove the grid or go to settings via notification
Customization in settings:
- Grid size in dp (default is 8dp)
- Grid color and transparency
- Fullscreen mode (if the grid should start on the very top of the screen)
How to build the project:
With Maven:
mvn clean package
- clone the project and create project from existing sources in IDE
Why 'Wichterle'?
Otto Wichterle was a famous Czech inventor, best known for his invention of contact lenses.Β You can see more details with contact lenses, just like with this app. You won't miss any misaligned views in your app.
See our other Czech personalities who help with #AndroidDev.