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  • Created about 6 years ago
  • Updated about 5 years ago


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Repository Details

A darker theme for qBittorrent WebUI (ispired by Cozzy's theme: userstyles.org/styles/152766)

Dark qBittorrent WebUI Version Install directly with Stylus userstyles.org installations GitHub stars GitHub issues GitHub license

A darker theme for qBittorrent WebUI (ispired by Cozzy's theme)


Installation (one of two ways)

  1. Download one of these add-ons for your browser
  2. Use Alternative WebUI in qBittorrent
    • Follow the instructions to use Alternate WebUI usage.
    • Copy dark-qbittorrent-webui.css to <new folder>/public/css.
    • Edit <new folder>/public/index.html.
      Add <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/dark-qbittorrent-webui.css?v=${VERSION}" \> after the other CSS links in header.
    • Copy dark-qbittorrent-webui.css to <new folder>/private/css.
    • Edit <new folder>/private/index.html.
      Add <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/dark-qbittorrent-webui.css?v=${VERSION}" \> after the other CSS links in header.