Coursera: Data Structures and Algorithms Specialization
Progress: 4/6 courses completed
This repository contains almost all the solutions for Data Structures and Algorithms Specialization. The language of choice is Python3, but I tend to switch to Ruby/Rust in the future. All program assignments can be found inside the course weeks directory.
Disclaimer: The below solutions is for reference only. Please design and implement your own algorithms to pass the courses.
Course 1. Algorithmic Toolbox
Week 1. Introduction
- Small Fibonacci Number
- The Last Digit of a Large Fibonacci Number
- Greatest Common Divisor
- Least Common Multiple
- Huge Fibonacci Number modulo m
Week 2. Greedy Algorithms
- Changing Money
- Fractional Knapsack
- Minimum Dot Product
- Covering Segments by Points
- Pairwise Distinct Summands
Week 3. Divide and Conquer
Week 4. Dynamic Programming
- Primitive Calculator
- Take as Much Gold as Possible
- Compute the Edit Distance Between Two Strings
- Maximize the Value of an Arithmetic Expression
- Longest Common Subsequence of Three Sequences
Course 2. Data Structures
Week 1. Basic Data Structures
Week 2. Priority Queues and Disjoint Sets
Week 3. Hash Tables and Hash Functions
Week 4. Binary Search Trees
Course 3. Algorithms on Graphs
Week 1. Decomposition of Graphs 1
Week 2. Decomposition of Graphs 2
- Checking Consistency of CS Curriculum
- Determining an Order of Courses
- Checking Whether Any Intersection in a City is Reachable from Any Other
Week 3. Paths in Graphs 1
Week 4. Paths in Graphs 2
- Computing the Minimum Cost of a Flight
- Detecting Anomalies in Currency Exchange Rates
- Exchanging Money Optimally
Week 5. Minimum Spanning Trees
Week 6. Advanced Shortest Paths Project (Optional)
- Friend Suggestion
- Compute Distance Faster Using Coordinates
- Compute Distance with Preprocessing
- Compute Distance with Preprocessing on Larger Road Networks
- Travelling Salesman Problem
Course 4. Algorithms on Strings
Week 1. Suffix Trees
- Construct a Trie from a Collection of Patterns
- Implement TrieMatching
- Extend TrieMatching
- Construct the Suffix Tree of a String
- Find the Shortest Non-Shared Substring of Two Strings
Week 2. BWT and Suffix Arrays
- Construct the Burrows–Wheeler Transform of a String
- Reconstruct a String from its Burrows–Wheeler Trans-form
- Implement BetterBWMatching
- Construct the Suffix Array of a String
Week 3-4. Algorithmic Challenges
- Find All Occurrences of a Pattern in a String
- Construct the Suffix Array of a Long String
- Pattern Matching with the Suffix Array
- Construct the Suffix Tree from the Suffix Array
All contributions are welcome. Just make a PR. Below is a list of general improvements that need to be added that I would love help with:
- Improve documentation
- Clean up code (by fixing pep8 errors)
- Better algorithms that reduce time complexity (espescially for course #3 & #4)