Detailed Documentation can be found here:
WindowPadX is an enhancement of WindowPad, originally released by Lexikos (see: http://
WindowPadX is a tool which provides some useful functionality within multi monitor environments.
- Possible actions to be configured on hotkeys
- Window actions
- Multi-Monitor
- WPXA_MoveWindowToMonitor: Move window between screens, preserving relative position and size.
- WPXA_MinimizeWindowsOnMonitor: Minimize all windows on the given Screen
- WPXA_GatherWindowsOnMonitor: "Gather" windows on a specific screen.
- WPXA_FillVirtualScreen: Expand the window to fill the virtual screen (all monitors).
- General
- WPXA_MaximizeToggle: Maximize or restore the window.
- WPXA_TopToggle: Toggles "AlwaysOnTop" for given window
- WPXA_RollToggle: Toggles "Roll/Unroll" for given window
- WPXA_Move: move and resize window based on a "pad" concept.
- WPXA_TileLast2Windows: Tile active and last window
- Multi-Monitor
- Mouse actions
- Multi-Monitor
- WPXA_MoveMouseToMonitor: Moves mouse to center of given monitor
- WPXA_ClipCursorToCurrentMonitorToggle: Toogles clipping mouse to current monitor
- WPXA_ClipCursorToMonitor: Clips (Restricts) mouse to given monitor
- General
- WPXA_MouseLocator: Easy find the mouse
- Multi-Monitor
- Window actions
For more details see