C Macro for writing unit tests with asynchronous operations on iOS. Supports both SenTestingKit and XCTest.
No further support
This repo will not be developed or supported any further. You may continue to use it, but we recommend switching to expecta instead.
pod 'AGAsyncTestHelper'
or pod 'AGAsyncTestHelper/Shorthand'
with cocoapods. The latter one lets you write WAIT_WHILE()
instead of AGWW_WAIT_WHILE()
Manual installation
Copy the files found in Source
over to your project.
If you want to have shorthand enabled (WAIT_WHILE()
instead of AGWW_WAIT_WHILE()
) you can either create a User Defined Build Setting within Xcode named AGWW_SHORTHAND
OR write #define AGWW_SHORTHAND
some clever place in your testsuite.
The macro will evaluate the expression (the first parameter) until expression is not longer true or the time limit is reached.
These macros will generate XCTFail()
or STFail()
if time limit is reached.
WAIT_WHILE(<expression_to_evaluate>, limit_in_seconds, ...)
WAIT_WHILE_EQUALS(<value1>, <value2>, limit_in_seconds, ...)
WAIT_WHILE_EQUALS_WITH_ACCURACY(<value1>, <value2>, accuracy, limit_in_seconds, ...)
WAIT_WHILE_NOT_EQUALS(<value1>, <value2>, limit_in_seconds, ...)
STALL_RUNLOPP_WHILE(<expression_to_evaluate>, limit_in_seconds)
Example: Wait for block callback
- (void)testAsyncBlockCallback
__block BOOL jobDone = NO;
[Manager doSomeOperationOnDone:^(id data) {
jobDone = YES;
WAIT_WHILE(!jobDone, 2.0);
will stall current runloop while !jobDone
and throw an XCTFail()
if exceeding time limit (2.0 seconds)
Example: Wait for delegate callback
- (void)testAsyncDelegateCallback
Manager *manager = [Manager new];
manager.delegate = self;
[manager doSomeOperation];
WAIT_WHILE(!self.jobDone, 2.0);
- (void)someOperationIsDoneInManager:(Manager *)manager
self.jobDone = YES;
will stall current runloop while !self.jobDone
and throw an XCTFail()
or STFail()
if exceeding time limit (2.0 seconds)
Example: Wait for @selector callback
- (void)testAsyncSelectorCallback
[Manager doSomeOperationOnDoneTellTarget:self selector:@selector(someOperationIsDone)];
WAIT_WHILE(!self.jobDone, 2.0);
- (void)someOperationIsDone
self.jobDone = YES;
will stall current runloop while !self.jobDone
and throw an XCTFail()
or STFail()
if exceeding time limit (2.0 seconds)
Example: Multiple values will eventually be right
- (void)testMultipleWillEventuallyBeRight
UIImage *image = ...;
[[ImageManager shared] saveImage:image];
BOOL (^cacheIsPurged) = ^{
UIImage *cachedMemoryImage = [[ImageManager shared] imageFromMemoryCacheForKey:@"IMAGE_KEY"];
UIImage *cachedDiskImage = [[ImageManager shared] imageFromDiskCacheForKey:@"IMAGE_KEY"];
return cachedMemoryImage || cachedDiskImage;
[[ImageManager shared] purgeCacheAsync];
WAIT_WHILE(!cacheIsPurged(), 5.0, @"Failed to clean up image cache!");
will stall current runloop while !cacheIsPurged()
and throw an XCTFail()
or STFail()
if exceeding time limit (5.0 seconds)
Under the hood
A simplified version of how the macro works could look like this
__block BOOL done = NO;
done = YES;
while(!done) {
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate:[NSDate distantFuture]];
Effectively stalling the runloop until done
is true. This does not block the main thread so you are still able to have callbacks on the main thread.
- Minimum code
- Error thrown in the test. Since it is based on macro's the exception will not be thrown in some 3rd party implementation file further down the stack
- Small library
- Works perfectly with SenTestingKit and XCTest (could easily support more)
- No known bugs or issues
You've got several alternatives like
If you've got other alternatives which should be listed here please let me know.
There is also a great thread on stack overflow
Extensive description
This library or bundle enables you to do async test operations with asynchronous callbacks in your SenTestCase or XCTestCase. Works with GCD (Grand Central Dispatch), blocks, NSOperation and regular delegate callbacks.