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Plug (Phoenix) integration for GraphQL Elixir

GraphQL Plug

Build Status Public Slack Discussion

plug_graphql is a Plug integration for the GraphQL Elixir implementation of Facebook's GraphQL.

This Plug allows you to easily mount a GraphQL endpoint in Phoenix. This example project shows you how:


  1. Make a new Phoenix app, or add it to your existing app.
mix phoenix.new hello_graphql
cd hello_graphql

git clone https://github.com/graphql-elixir/hello_graphql_phoenix
  1. Add plug_graphql to your list of dependencies and applications in mix.exs and install the package with mix deps.get.
def application do
  # Add the application to your list of applications.
  # This will ensure that it will be included in a release.
  [applications: [:logger, :plug_graphql]]

def deps do
  [{:plug_graphql, "~> 0.3.1"}]


  1. Define a simple schema in web/graphql/test_schema.ex:
defmodule TestSchema do
  def schema do
      query: %GraphQL.Type.ObjectType{
        name: "Hello",
        fields: %{
          greeting: %{
            type: %GraphQL.Type.String{},
            args: %{
              name: %{
                type: %GraphQL.Type.String{}
            resolve: {TestSchema, :greeting}

  def greeting(_, %{name: name}, _), do: "Hello, #{name}!"
  def greeting(_, _, _), do: "Hello, world!"
  1. Your api pipeline should have this as a minimum:
pipeline :api do
  plug :accepts, ["json"]
  1. Mount the GraphQL endpoint as follows:
scope "/api" do
  pipe_through :api

  forward "/", GraphQL.Plug, schema: {TestSchema, :schema}
  1. Start Phoenix
mix phoenix.server
  1. Open your browser to http://localhost:4000/api?query={greeting} and you should see something like this:
  "data": {
    "greeting": "Hello, world!"


This is pretty early days, the GraphQL Elixir ecosystem needs a lot more work to be useful.

However we can't get there without your help, so any questions, bug reports, feedback, feature requests and/or PRs are most welcome!


Thanks and appreciation goes to the following contributors for PRs, discussions, answering many questions and providing helpful feedback:

Thanks also to everyone who has submitted PRs, logged issues, given feedback or asked questions.