gox - Code generator for the Go language
Quick start
Create a file named hellogen.go
, like below:
package main
import (
func ctxRef(pkg *gox.Package, name string) gox.Ref {
return pkg.CB().Scope().Lookup(name)
func main() {
pkg := gox.NewPackage("", "main", nil)
fmt := pkg.Import("fmt")
v := pkg.NewParam(token.NoPos, "v", types.Typ[types.String]) // v string
pkg.NewFunc(nil, "main", nil, nil, false).BodyStart(pkg).
DefineVarStart(token.NoPos, "a", "b").Val("Hi").Val(3).EndInit(2). // a, b := "Hi", 3
NewVarStart(nil, "c").Val(ctxRef(pkg, "b")).EndInit(1). // var c = b
NewVar(gox.TyEmptyInterface, "x", "y"). // var x, y interface{}
/**/ Val(ctxRef(pkg, "a")).Val(ctxRef(pkg, "b")).Val(ctxRef(pkg, "c")). // fmt.Println(a, b, c)
/**/ Call(3).EndStmt().
NewClosure(gox.NewTuple(v), nil, false).BodyStart(pkg).
/**/ Val(fmt.Ref("Println")).Val(v).Call(1).EndStmt(). // fmt.Println(v)
/**/ End().
Val("Hello").Call(1).EndStmt(). // func(v string) { ... } ("Hello")
Try it like:
go mod init hello
go mod tidy
go run hellogen.go
This will dump Go source code to stdout
. The following is the output content:
package main
import fmt "fmt"
func main() {
a, b := "Hi", 3
var c = b
var x, y interface {
fmt.Println(a, b, c)
func(v string) {