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    Jupyter Notebook
  • Created over 7 years ago
  • Updated about 7 years ago


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Data Science project to cluster loads coming from http://en.openei.org/datasets/files/961/pub/

Loads Clustering

Data science project using this open dataset: http://en.openei.org/datasets/files/961/pub/

The all_commercial.csv file already contains a dataset made of the models of every building in the original dataset.

Other csv files have been used for tests.

The clustering and plotting part is done in the iPython Notebook. Pardon me if you'll find it messy, i use it for prototyping and quick tests :)

If you want to make your own dataset, download the dataset from the link above, and unzip them. Then use the function make_buildings_dataset(root, season = "", days = "all") contained in tools/make_buildings_dataset.py.