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Text tokenization and sentence segmentation (segtok v2)segtok
Segtok v2 is here: -- A rule-based sentence segmenter (splitter) and a word tokenizer using orthographic features.pymonad
"fork" of PyMonad on BitBucket to change the ``*`` functor/composition operator to ``<<``patricia-trie
a pure-Python PATRICIA trie implementation.medic
a Python 3 command-line tool to maintain a DB mirror of MEDLINE ( - ALERT: As I have moved out of science and am working as a consultant now, this project might need a new maintainer once PubMed changes its XML format. Heroes?progress_bar
an informative progress bar for Python 2+3 command-line toolsasdm-tm-class
Course material for the Madrid ASDM class on text mining (C09)libfnl
Python 3 tools for data mining in molecular biologyclassipy
A command-line tool to develop advanced text classifiers using SciKit-Learn.sentence_splitter
check my new spliter - segtoktokenizer
a concurrent, deterministic finite state tokenizer (for letter-based scripts)txtfnnl
a UIMA-based text mining pipelineSPECIES
a modified version of the SPECIES taggerotplc
A tool to convert corpus annotations between the brat annotation and OTPL formats.vimrc
my (Vim-centric) POSIX environmentcpp-project-template
A very basic C++ project structure using CMake, Catch2, and cxxopts.go
Golang source code collectionbceval
BioCreative Evaluation Scripts and Librarybootstrap
jump-start a simple GNU C projectlexikos
a minimal acyclic deterministic finite state automaton (MADFA)gnamed
a tool to manage a unified repository of gene and protein names, symbols, keywords, literature references, and species associationssegmenter
scripts to pre-process plain-text: sentence segmentation, tokenization, and stemmingOnlineTaggerFramework
an online tagger wrapper for GATE that only spans one global sub-process per processing
my blog (
A transformer that converts an IBECS XML file into an OMTD-SHARE corpuschemcheck
a syntax checker for BioCreative IV CHEMDNER task annotationscouchpy
a python3 library to programmatically access CouchDB (written when there was none, "long ago"...)libfsmg
A finite state machine library for pattern matching on generic types in Java sequence containers.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us