Warning: This app is now deprecated, you should use Notable instead, which is a much better note-taking app overall, its zen mode can replace Noty's UI pretty effectively and it is very actively developed.
Noty (Autosaving sticky note with support for multiple notes without needing multiple windows.
- Supports multiple notes without needing multiple windows.
- Auto-saves your notes.
- To-Do functionalities built-in.
- Links support.
- Bold/code/italic/strikethrough support.
- Multiple cursors.
- Find and Replace.
- Programmers shortcuts.
- Uses the FiraCode font.
Note: The following are macOS shortcuts, if you're using a different OS replace Cmd with Ctrl, or Alt if Ctrl is already used.
- Cmd+N - Create a new note.
- F2 - Rename the current note.
- Cmd+Alt+Backspace - Delete the current note.
- Tab - Indent current line.
- Shift+Tab - Outdent current line.
- Cmd+F - Find.
- Cmd+G - Find next.
- Cmd+Shift+G - Find previous.
- Cmd+Shift+H - Replace.
- Cmd+Shift+Alt+H - Replace all.
- Cmd+Ctrl+Up - Move current line up.
- Cmd+Ctrl+Down - Move current line down.
- Alt+Click - Add a new cursor.
- Cmd+Click - Open the clicked link.
- Cmd+Enter - Toggle a todo's box symbol.
- Alt+D - Toggle a todo's done symbol.
- Alt+C - Toggle a todo's cancelled symbol.
- Cmd+B - Toggle bold.
- Cmd+` - Toggle code.
- Cmd+I - Toggle italic.
- Cmd+S - Toggle strikethrough.
- Cmd+1/9 - Select the 1st/9th note.
- Cmd+Alt+Right - Select the next note.
- Ctrl+Tab - Select the next note.
- Cmd+Alt+Left - Select the previous note.
- Ctrl+Shift+Tab - Select the previous note.
Switching note:
New note and rename:
If you have an idea, or found an problem, please open an issue about it.
If you want to make a pull request, or fork the app, you should:
git clone https://github.com/fabiospampinato/noty.git
cd noty
npm install
npm run dev
- vscode-todo-plus: Visual Studio Code extension that implements the same To-Do functionalities, and much more.
- Notable: The markdown-based note-taking app that doesn't suck.
MIT Β© Fabio Spampinato