These are all the tools I have programmed to help me with bugbountys
Examples of usage:
Open Redirects
python redir.py -w urls.txt -p payloads -d evil.com -s 0 -o openredirects.txt
Local File inclusion
python lfi.py -u urls.txt -p payloads -t 100 -o lfi.txt
SSRF Links
python find_urls2.py -d domain.com -t 100 -s urls.txt -o links.txt
python find_urls2.py -d domain.com -t 100 -s source.js -o links.txt
python crlf-auto.py -f urls.txt
S3 Buckets
python s3bucketer.py -d urls.txt -b buckets.txt -q 1 -o found.txt
Note, automation tools should be the last resort because devlopers would use such tools during there testing.
Enjoy hunters,
If you find something and you enjoy my tools
Donate to me here.